Louzy Support

Has anyone else experienced louzy support from Bitdefender ? <img class=" />

I created a support request on November 6th : Bitdefender IS 2008 Firewall is not working on Windows XP 2005 Tablet Edition. Since then, I barely received any reaction. Yes, support asked me to send some files, to gather statistics, ... which I sent almost immediately.

But any other response ? Even when I ask if there is any update, I get no answer.

I contacted sales, explaining the problem, but again, no reaction.

If this is the kind of support that Bitdefender can give, I think they should give me back my money. I paid for support, but I don't get it.

My license needs renewal half of January. But I'm seriously considering switching to another product.

You've disappointed me a lot, Bitdefender ! <img class=" />


  • alexcrist
    edited December 2007

    Hello vbit,

    Please send me a PM with the TicketID. I'll try to find out its state.


  • My license needs renewal half of January. But I'm seriously considering switching to another product.

    You've disappointed me a lot, Bitdefender ! <img class=" />

    I used Mcafee for years, and BD for less than a month.

    with Mcafee, I NEVER got an issue, with BD I have several, reported by other users as well.

    Don't renew the license

  • I used Mcafee for years, and BD for less than a month.

    with Mcafee, I NEVER got an issue, with BD I have several, reported by other users as well.

    Don't renew the license

    I have experienced the same problem.Two emails for support,downloaded the 3 pieces of software that live support said I needed to do to gather the information they needed.No response at all.The live support is really not support,I don't think they have any knowledge about the product just email you ticket number and download links for information gathering.I have never experienced anything quite like this.My son in Arizona bought bitdefender also and is having losts of problems and we discussed it last night and have about decided to delete bitdefender from all our computers and reinstall AVG and Adaware plus.With them no problems.We will see, right now I can't even get the moderator to respond to my emails or posts.

  • BitDefender has the "take two aspirin and call us in the morning" type of support!