Antivirus Updates


I'm currently using Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2013.

If I am not mistaken.....I believe that Bitdefender automatically searches for updates every 15 minutes.

My question is......if I want to change that to only once every hour to search for new do I go about changing the settings for that?



  • Bulletbling
    edited July 2013

    You can't. BitDefender doesn't want a lot of settings so a novice user doesn't get confused and mess something up from what I understand. This should be implemented because something as simple as choosing when to have the product auto-update should be in every antivirus product. For now, you can disable auto update and do it manually if you want to change how often it updates.

  • columbo
    edited July 2013
    I'm currently using Bitdefender Antivirus Plus 2013.

    If I am not mistaken.....I believe that Bitdefender automatically searches for updates every 15 minutes.

    My question is......if I want to change that to only once every hour to search for new do I go about changing the settings for that?


    Hi SportsFan :)

    I can't remember where Georgia showed us us here on the English forum to change the update frequency, so I'll give you a translation from her post on the Romanian forum:

    The image may be a little blurry, you can use Google Chrome's translator to see it better.


    I've changed my notebook BD update settings ;)

    Thank you Georgia, for showing us how :)


  • Since the updates are made every week, is it also possible to set it up to search for updates let's say once a week? smile2.png

  • antikythera

    @ SportsFan - You can find the English version of the instructions from Georgia that Scott refers to in post #2 of this thread in the Update section of the 2013 products sub forum:

    @dwaynnyt - You could work out how many seconds are in a week and try putting that in the product updates line as the interval value ;)