Bit Defender And Malwarebytes

Rohugh ✭✭
edited January 2022 in General Topics

Having had a discussion about BD TS and MBAM Pro running together on computer in The New Bitdefender forums I would like to know if there is any advantage or disadvantage of running Bitdefender Mobile Security and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Mobile at the same time on mobile devices? I have them both enabled at present on both android tablet and mobile and don't see any problems.




    Normally there shouldn't be any issues.

    First off all remember that in Android every app. runs in it's on VM so they don't interact with one another ( well at least normal apps don't ).

    The down side that you might notice by running two or more apps that listen for system events when a new app. is installed ( on-install scanning ) is you might see some short-minute slow down because all the apps that listen for this event are starting at the same time.

    But if your device has some strong hardware ( more than 512mb RAM and a higher CPU ) chances are that no slow down will occur.

  • Rohugh

    Thank you Daniel.M. Mobile is a Samsung S3 Mini and no, I don't see any slowdowns so I guess I will just leave them be. :)

  • Having had a discussion about BD TS and MBAM Pro running together on computer in The New Bitdefender forums I would like to know if there is any advantage or disadvantage of running Bitdefender Mobile Security and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Mobile at the same time on mobile devices? I have them both enabled at present on both android tablet and mobile and don't see any problems.

    As you know i too have BD And MBAM running side by side and no issues on PC, and to your comment about mobile devices i have BD FREE and MBAM running side be side also on my HTC V android phone no problems so far.