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Windows 8.1, Bitdefender 2015 Total Security Trial


Good evening, I've installed BitDefender 2015 Total Security trial and have had a couple of issues with my Win 8.1 laptop...

1) Several start menu tiles have gone missing. I've restored the Desktop and Store ones, but it looks like some are missing and the Store

tile icon now has a solid background.

2) The Account Pictures have ... gone.

On install I did a scan and then ran the OneClick Optimiser. When I go into the "Issues" page of the OneClick Optimiser several things are

listed. For example, there is a section labelled "Disk Issues" with a treeview like control under it with nodes like "Windoows Junk files",

"Recycle Bin Files" and others. However, there is no option to see what those files are.

One other thing....I'm using the standard Windows 8.1 theme and in places the bitDefender UI looks like it's got white text on a light grey

background for buttons.

Not over impressed so far.

Will I be paying for a licence at the end of the trial.....maybe not.


  • Forgot to also wiped out the Wifi key.

  • Forgot to also wiped out the Wifi key.

    Hello, I don't have an idea about your issues but by my suggestion you should try Bitdefender Windows 8 Security. It is specially engineered for Windows 8/8.1 and I think it wont have any problems at all. Also have you used an online or offline installer?Thanks, Prakhar Mishra.

  • I didn't see the specific Win 8 version. I just assumed, as a software developer, that if the main tool was known not to be compatible with Win 8 then the installer would have redirected me....

    I downloaded the trial to install it rather than an online install.

  • IanB123
    edited August 2014

    Picture attached of white text on grey background...
