Bluring Issue In High Dpi Screens

Because You Can't Take An Screenshot In SafePAy I Can't Give You An Screenshot

But For Example Google Chrome Added Its High DPI Support In Version 37

We High DPI Screen Users Are Like Other Users

It Would Be Great To Make SafePay Use-full To Us To

Because Of Blur Issue I Never Use Safepay Because It Is Too Annoying To Use

Based On Things That I Have Read On Internet About It

Users Most Of Use Displays With Like Each Other Density Of Pixels (DPI)

For Example For Example 17 inch is (1440.900) Or 22 Inch Is (1920.1080)

So Program Developers Making The Size of The Program For That Kind Of Screens (Even Their Screens Are From Those Kind Of Screen)

But, For Example Some Screens Like Mine Is 15 Inch And 1920.1080

SO Every Things Becomes Small (Because Of High DPI) .So In DPI Setting You Put It On 150% Zoom Or 125%

So Windows's Programs Becoming Bigger (Bigger Makes Windows's Windows And Texts Large As Large Other Screens)

But Here Is ISSUE "Installed Programs Can Be Bigger If The Program Developer Had Considered It"

If Program Developers Don't Do It That Program Becomes Big But It Will Be Blur (It Is Like Making bigger A Small Image (It Becomes Blur))

With These Programs You can Do One Thing

By Right Click On That Program -- Properties /Compatibility /Ticking "Disable Display Scaling On High DPI Setting"

You can Make The Size Of That Program Default But Default Means Small

So Blur Is Blur To Use And Not Blur is Small To Use

Any Way I Don't Know Where Is exe File Of Safe Pay

So There Is One You Can Do (As I Have Learned) (And My Knowledge Can Be Wrong Or imperfect)

Make Your Program sth Work With HIGH DPI Setting Or In Other Word "Adding Self-adaption with the DPI"


  • Rohugh
    Rohugh ✭✭
    edited November 2014


    A couple of points here.

    I have a 15.6" laptop with a 1920x1080 screen, opening Safepay you can set it to full screen by clicking the icon in the top right hand corner of the Safepay window, it doesn't come out "blurry".

    If it is still too small to read you can increase the size of the text and window by holding Crtl and clicking + (the one in the numeric pad) and as it enlarges it stays sharp and clear.

    Will that solve your problems?


  • Hiya,

    A couple of points here.

    I have a 15.6" laptop with a 1920x1080 screen, opening Safepay you can set it to full screen by clicking the icon in the top right hand corner of the Safepay window, it doesn't come out "blurry".

    If it is still too small to read you can increase the size of the text and window by holding Crtl and clicking + (the one in the numeric pad) and as it enlarges it stays sharp and clear.

    Will that solve your problems?


    I Did What You Told (Full Screening) But I Did't Saw Any Changes

    I Was Still Blur

  • Is This Too Hard For Developer Team To Add High DPI Support?

    Unlike The Old Days Today There Are Lot Of More High DPI Screens

    Do It For Once To Finish It Once Forever

  • Hi, BarfiAdam

    If you wanted to submit this as a Feature Request, it may receive more attention, and even member votes to help it along. Otherwise, Georgia and Cristian Amarie are pretty good at keeping up with this Sub forum, and may consider your situation and suggestion, or have an idea for a solution.

    Kind regards,


  • Thanks

    I Did It

    To More Info About What Happen/ed/ing ,This Is Topic's Address

  • You're welcome :)

    Since we're now getting into Ultra H.D. monitors and graphics cards that can runs these, sounds like something that needs to be considered and looked into by BD developers.

    Kudos for including a link to your submitted Feature Request in your post.

    Again, maybe you'll get a reply from a Mod. or Tech. Support as far as a resolution, to this resolution issue ^_^

  • camarie
    camarie Principal Software Developer BD Staff


    Can you provide us some example webpages and settings you have? (That is, this will help us greatly in testing and providing support).

    For high DPI support in Chrome 37: yes, we are aware of --high-dpi-support flag and default availability. We are based on a previous version of Chromium (not Chrome), since Chrome is a separate closed product from Google.

    We cannot adopt immediately the newest versions from obvious reasons (testing, stability, integration and many more), although this might leave the impression we are not adopting the very latest features, since we are patching heavily the Chromium itself to improve the main goal: security.

    However, point taken. I just added your request to the feature list, although I can't say when it will make it.

    I am interested if you are experiencing the issue regarding Safepay user interface itself, or the web pages displayed (or both) ?

    Because there are two things to consider here - the product user interface, and the web pages. These are separate things.

    1. Safepay user interface is high DPI aware (as is the entire product);

    Are you experiencing this on the user interface (buttons, settings etc.) ?

    2. Web pages displayed by Safepay can be scaled using Ctrl/+ (increase) or Ctrl/- (decrease).

    Let me know if these details help.



  • Thanks For Helping

    Today Sth Weird Happened

    I Plugged In My Laptop Through HDMI To TV And Laptop Became Too Slow And Icons Too Small, Hardly By Several Restarting And ... ( I Did Every Thing I Could)

    After Fixing The Speed Problem Every Thing Was Small (Like 100$% DPI Setting) So I Put It Again On 150% And It Fixed

    Now it Is going To Be Weird "Now Safepay Not Blur"

    But This Time It Is A Bit Smaller

    Last Time It Was In Normal Size And Blur Now It Is A Bit Smaller And Not Blur

    If I Re Install My Windows It Will Become Blur Again

    Any Way Now Every Web Page Is Very Small And Can't Be Bigger By Ctrl/+

    SO It Is Useless Now Too

    If There Is No High DPI Screen Out there I Can Use My Back Up Windows In My Hard ,To Say If The Web Pages Displayed Was Blur Too Like Interface Itself Or Not Because Now they Not Blur But They Are Small

    This Accident (Fixing Some Of Bluring Issue) Happened For Me Once In 5 Month Ago In Another Win 8 Laptop

    But From That Time To Now I Couldn't Do It To This Laptop

    Any Way Things Got Confusing That It Seemed To Be

  • Any News/Progress?