Mybitdefender Page Shows Last Scan Jan 17 1970


I think something might be messed up on the MYbitdefender page. Every time i go there it says my last full scan was 2 yrs before i was born. Just figured someone might want to know this being you have a option to wipe your device on this page. Kinda scary.



  • Rohugh

    Hiya viggys,

    Yes, a known problem not yet resolved by Bitdefender. More discussion here -


  • columbo

    It seems to have cleared up on my end, as compared to before:

    It is now showing correctly for all my BD devices. Seems a bit sporadic on BD's server end :blink: :blink: Viggys, did you try a full scan recently, like today or yesterday, and if not, try running one now, restart your PC, and see if that helps?


  • Yes it goes current if i scan from MyBitdefender page till i restart then same. I just wanted to let someone know lol, like i said kinda scary having problems on a page that you could wipe a device or pc from.

  • columbo
    edited December 2014
    Yes it goes current if i scan from MyBitdefender page till i restart then same.

    I was kind of wondering if you did it from the PC BD console, restarted you PC, if that would make a difference?

    I just wanted to let someone know lol, like i said kinda scary having problems on a page that you could wipe a device or pc from.

    It's probably just a web page server glitch on their end, and not a security issue. Yet, that is why it is good to have an excellent password for log in, as I've thought the same thing in that regard as well.

  • Rohugh
    Yes it goes current if i scan from MyBitdefender page till i restart then same. I just wanted to let someone know lol, like i said kinda scary having problems on a page that you could wipe a device or pc from.

    I am checking all three of my computers atm, I have not run any scans for two days.

    As to wiping a device from My Bitdefender, all it can do is remove the device from that page, it doesn't do anything harmful. If you do accidently remove a device you can easily add it back by opening the GUI from the BD icon in the system tray of that device, click the top dropdown>Account Information>"Log in with another account" but use the same log in email/password as previously. It will reappear in your My Bitdefender page. :)


  • Rohugh
    Rohugh ✭✭
    edited December 2014

    My laptop is still showing 1970 as the last full scan date although I completed one on it 15 minutes ago, maybe it takes time to filter through the servers.

    I also see that I am able to log into My Bitdefender>My Devices on Firefox now, which was giving a blank page previously, and although it does not remember me it will autofill with LastPass. At least I don't have to rely on IE 11. :D

  • viggys
    edited December 2014

    First off thank you all for helping out, sometimes just hearing other's having same bug makes you happy. The worst thing for me is if i am only one with a certain bug, which happens a lot to me cause i love to game. I just wanted to comment on what Rohugh said about only being able to remove a device. Not sure how to do that fancy quote feature so you will have to look up sorry. If you switch to anti theft from main MyBitdefender page you will see 3 icons, locate, lock, and wipe. Thats how you can wipe your device/pc if its stolen. I am not crazy enough to try it out but i read on it and Bitdefender say's it irreversible so i am guessing it works lol. I am not trolling you just wasn't sure if you knew you could do that. I just noticed it the other day.

  • Rohugh

    Hiya viggys,

    Ah OK, I now understand what you were referring to when you said about wiping a device, I thought you were talking about removing a device from the My Bitdefender page and yes wipe is very possible, although it also applies with other AVs that have that function. To avoid that it's important that if you have a shared computer to never allow automatic log-in to My Bitdefender and that it is protected by a strong password.

    So yes, wipe is not the kind of function you want to "test". :D
