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Windows 10 Has Been Released


and is available for install to Insiders. I have it running on the one computer I have that was part of the Insider Program. For now using Windows Defender though most likely will install BDTS Multi-Device 2015 once it is compatible.


  • csalgau

    JULY 15, 2015 11:37 AM by Gabe Aul:

    this build is one step closer to what customers will start to receive on 7/29
  • Nesivos
    edited July 2015

    The build is W10 I checked under System and it said Windows 10 Pro. There is no build number after that or on the desktop any longer.

    From what I have heard there will be updates to Windows 10 between now and July 29th and probably an internal change to the build number. However, I don't think it will be a full blown update but some minor updates.

    However, my computer says activated and Windows 10 Pro without an build number or mention that it is an evaluation copy. My guess is this is the build that was released to OEMs and people buying Windows 10 computers on or shortly after July 29th will have updates to apply to bring it up to the July 29th build. HP has said they will have Windows 10 computers available on July 29th . Not sure if that is for ordering only or ordering and shipping.