Fast Start Up To Slow......


Yesterday moved from bdis 2015 to 2016. Installation went well, looked good, restarted as requested ok. Restart was "normal" speed. BUT, every restart or start since from fresh takes over 2 minutes to get to the hello screen on Windows. Considering that it used to take 25seconds before bdis change! Boot drive is aSSD. Nothing else is different. I'm running 250gb ssd for system/programs. And two other 2tb HDD with 16gb ram on quad core running at 3.4ghz. Any suggestions on how to get back to my original start up time? Thanks


  • Got worse! Now it just takes forever to get up and running and everything on desktop freezes, after a couple of minutes BD in tray is greyed out and says it isn't working. Starting all that uninstall, reinstall malarkey but doubt I'll get anywhere.

  • Got worse! Now it just takes forever to get up and running and everything on desktop freezes, after a couple of minutes BD in tray is greyed out and says it isn't working. Starting all that uninstall, reinstall malarkey but doubt I'll get anywhere.

    Took BD off uninstalled now I'm back to a 26second boot to desktop time. Problem is obviously BDIS2016. I want to put 2015back on. Where can I find it? Anyone?

  • jitzy
    jitzy ✭✭
    edited October 2015
    Took BD off uninstalled now I'm back to a 26second boot to desktop time. Problem is obviously BDIS2016. I want to put 2015back on. Where can I find it? Anyone?

    Sorry to hear that

    Maybe you had the "Early Boot Scan" unchecked in 2015 version but not in 2016 product

    Also Bitdefender 2016 Products have "Ransomware Protection" which is turned off by default......Im guessing you have enabled it and also checked "Protection on boot" which can cause some delay in booting.....

    If you wish to give 2016 another try then after install open BDIS 2016 GUI ---> click on "Modules" ---> Antivirus setting ---> click on "Custom" under On-access scanning ---> Miscellaneous ---> uncheck "Early Boot Scan"

    Also make sure Ransomware Protection on boot is not enabled...

    As for 2015 Bitdefender offline installers compatible with Windows 10 go here

    Or if you are on Windows 7 or 8 then go here

  • Sorry to hear that

    Maybe you had the "Early Boot Scan" unchecked in 2015 version but not in 2016 product

    Also Bitdefender 2016 Products have "Ransomware Protection" which is turned off by default......Im guessing you have enabled it and also checked "Protection on boot" which can cause some delay in booting.....

    If you wish to give 2016 another try then after install open BDIS 2016 GUI ---> click on "Modules" ---> Antivirus setting ---> click on "Custom" under On-access scanning ---> Miscellaneous ---> uncheck "Early Boot Scan"

    Also make sure Ransomware Protection on boot is not enabled...

    As for 2015 Bitdefender offline installers compatible with Windows 10 go here

    Or if you are on Windows 7 or 8 then go here

    Thanks for the reply.

    RE the Early boot scan option where would I find that in BDIS 2015? can't locate it, this may mean that I never had it unchecked?

    Re the ransomeware protection I had tried it on and off but had no impact.

    Thanks for the steer re windows 10 compatibility to BD I'll have a look now. Not sure if I made myself clear on my question tho',

    I was asking if BDIS2015 is compatible with Windows 10, or, do I need to use BDIS2016 when running Win10?

    The response from my ticket with BD was predictable (and also incomplete - never even finished the last sentence) in that they said it was caused by me

    having both Malwarebytes and Trusteer Rapport on my PC.

    I Find that hard to believe as a reason as both have always been on the PC and worked in complete harmony with BDIS, especially as both BD and MWB has

    exclusions on both program settings. They are still on and running and all is fine with BDIS2015.

    My current countermeasure is that I had removed 2016 and re installed 2015, and now all is in order, boot time now 25seconds.

  • jitzy
    RE the Early boot scan option where would I find that in BDIS 2015? can't locate it, this may mean that I never had it unchecked?


    Its in the same spot as in 2016

    BD GUI ---> Protection ---> Antivitus ---> "Custom" under On-access scanning ---> Miscellaneous ---> Early Boot Scan

    By default its checked

    The response from my ticket with BD was predictable (and also incomplete - never even finished the last sentence) in that they said it was caused by me

    having both Malwarebytes and Trusteer Rapport on my PC


    Are you referring to Malwarebytes Anti-exploit ?

    I had problems with MBAE taking more than usual time to boot with BDTS 2016

    And yes I never had such boot delay in 2015 version

    But I recently updated to MBAE Beta version ---> and so far no boot delays like before

    If you are using Malwarebytes Anti-malware Premium then I suggest to either deactivate its real time protection or deactivate your license to free version (with no real time scan or auto startup with windows ) so that there won't be any incompatability