Is BDIS 2017 corrupting downloaded exe files?

edited October 2016 in Protection


My PC is running BDIS 2017.

I attempted three times to download and install the latest Oracle JDK software package for Windows 10 64b (a 195MB .exe). The exe file was repeatedly corrupted: a checksum integrity test failed and the package didn't install. I ended by downloading the software package from a computer not running any BD product (a linux box) and got a successful download at my very first attempts.

I had no such issues with BDIS 2016.









  • Sorin G.



    Are you using a download manager?

    Please provide me with a direct link to the file itself.

    Are you using Wi-Fi or cable ?

  • Thanks for your prompt answer,

    The "jdk-8u111-windows-x64.exe" may be downloaded from this page:

    I had the same issue with that one:

    Two days ago however, I've downloaded and successfully installed another large exe file (I didn't perform a checksum integrity test):





  • Hello,

    I'm running BDIS 2017 on desktop & laptop. Cannot now complete Windows 10 updates on either system as the download stage freezes.

    Now noticed that updates to other utilities also fail - the download seems to complete OK but when executing the downloaded exe the file is reported as being corrupt.

    Without knowing where to start - I initially disabled BDIS - without success (not sure to what extent it was totally disabled)

    Have now de-installed the program and both systems are catching up with Windows 10 updates and my utility updates are now downloading and executing OK.

    A bit reluctant to reinstall BDIS at the moment until I catch up with my work on both systems. Will try later this week. Now depending on Windows defender.




  • Sorin G.



    I downloaded all 3 files on separate machines without any issues.

    Try using a cabled connection should you be connected via Wi-Fi and see if it makes any difference.

    Also check that your firewall is set for all physical adapters as : Home/Office with Stealth mode set to OFF. You would want to turn Generic on as well to keep those settings after a reboot.


  • Thanks for suggestions. I think I better mention that I'm running Windows 10 Pro 64bit "Insider Preview" version. I will 'bite the bullet' and reinstall BDIS later today and check settings and consequences.


  • Have both systems on cabled connection to router. Checked Firewall settings - and changed cabled link to Generic. I seem to have Teledo Tunneling Pseudo Interface running - which I don't recognise - no being 'into' foreign food!

    Reattempted three downloads. One application failed as before, and two updates to installed utilities (SuperAntiSpyware & Glary Utilitity) also failed. It would seem that ALL downloads are failing so the problesm is possibly not a needle in a haystack.

    A bit long in the tooth now and can't find a Log file in Bitdefender that might help. Can someone maybe suggest a selective disabling of BDIS2017 features so I can maybe identify the module, or whatever. Just to confirm above - de-installed BDIS and all previously failed downloads worked OK - including Windows 10 Updates. As it stands I am using a sledgehammer (deinstalling). While reluctant to embrace Windows in the CPM/DOS days I can still tackle Regedit etc so happy to follow helpful suggestions.


  • Hello,

    Still having many issues when downloading exe file from within Firefox or MS Edge. The same when using the (auto-) update function of miscellaneous software programs. The only thing I changed on my PC is moving from BDIS 2016 to BDIS 2017.





  • Greetings,

    I am also seeing these issues.

    Running windows 10 build 14955.

    I had loads of issues with the window updates, nvidia drivers and Unity installer. All would be corrupted when downloading, I tried different browsers and all had the same effect, I did a load of PC and network tests which were all fine. When I looked at the build notes for update 14955 it did state that you needed to uninstall any virus protection before instillation.

    I tried disabling it first and still had the problems. When I uninstalled it all the updates mentioned above installed fine and first time.

    I re installed Bitdefender 2017 and all is fine. That is until the next update.... New Nvidia drivers are still corrupting on download. So the only way to install in to remove bitdefender first.

    I am not sure if this is a window 10 or bitdefender problem but there seems to be some sort of clash.


  • Sorin G.



    Bitdefender does not support insider versions of Windows.

    However it has been bought to the attention of our devs and they are currently investigating the matter from our side.

  • On 10/31/2016 at 1:20 PM, Sorin G. said:



    Bitdefender does not support insider versions of Windows.

    However it has been bought to the attention of our devs and they are currently investigating the matter from our side.

    Can you notify me when this has been resolved? I am having the same issue. I confirmed my network is fine via the following tests:

    Plugged right into Router - Same isue persists

    Plugged right into Fiber Modem - Same issue persists

    Plugged router back in and tested over wifi - Same issue persists (Now ive confirmed its an issue with something on my PC or the fiber modem, Highly unlikely both Wifi card and NIC are bad).

    Removed Bitdefender, now it is downloading the files with correct checksums (This confirms that it wasnt my Fiber Router, and that it was indeed bitdefender).

    Your product seems nice but I don't want to use it if it is giving me this much hassel. I am on this windows build:

    Version 1607 (OS Build 14951.1000) [Insider preview]

    I have removed your product and will continue to only use my other antivirus I was using previously.


  • Just bought and installed BDIS 2017 here on a very fast machine.   Is BDIS 2017 monolithic or can parts be disabled?   I'm finding the dog slow rendering of web pages and the reports of above intrusion on internet activity to be more negative than the possible positive.

    How can parts of BDIS be disabled?  Or is it a un-install and never pay again choice?

    I want to disable ALL filtering of web access??  IE anything between me my browser and the internet I want turned off.

  • On 29/10/2016 at 1:29 AM, MrCoCheese said:

    Hi MrCoCheese,

    Your reply was helpful to me.




    On 29/10/2016 at 1:29 AM, MrCoCheese said:




    I am also seeing these issues.

    Running windows 10 build 14955.

    I had loads of issues with the window updates, nvidia drivers and Unity installer. All would be corrupted when downloading, I tried different browsers and all had the same effect, I did a load of PC and network tests which were all fine. When I looked at the build notes for update 14955 it did state that you needed to uninstall any virus protection before instillation.

    I tried disabling it first and still had the problems. When I uninstalled it all the updates mentioned above installed fine and first time.

    I re installed Bitdefender 2017 and all is fine. That is until the next update.... New Nvidia drivers are still corrupting on download. So the only way to install in to remove bitdefender first.

    I am not sure if this is a window 10 or bitdefender problem but there seems to be some sort of clash.



  • On 31/10/2016 at 8:20 PM, Sorin G. said:



    Bitdefender does not support insider versions of Windows.

    However it has been bought to the attention of our devs and they are currently investigating the matter from our side.

    Thanks for your reply,


  • On 11/6/2016 at 10:45 PM, curt504 said:

    Just bought and installed BDIS 2017 here on a very fast machine.   Is BDIS 2017 monolithic or can parts be disabled?   I'm finding the dog slow rendering of web pages and the reports of above intrusion on internet activity to be more negative than the possible positive.

    How can parts of BDIS be disabled?  Or is it a un-install and never pay again choice?

    I want to disable ALL filtering of web access??  IE anything between me my browser and the internet I want turned off.

    On modules you can disable web protection

  • The only way for me to resolve this behavior was to disable the "Scan SSL" option in the Web Protection settings under Modules. Once I deselected this option, I was able to download files normally once again.

  • Greetings,

    Just as a follow up, I have recently update Windows 10 to build 1497. I thought I would give Bitdefender another try and see it the issues have improved from Microsoft side.

    Unfortunately I still have the same issues. I tried turning off all the settings in the Web protection section and this had no effect.

    So uninstall... I will try again next update :)


  • Sorin G.



    As a temporary workaround please try the following


    - Open Bitdefender > Settings > Update > Update processing rules-> Prompt before downloading

    - Restart the machine in Safe Mode

    - Go to C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender 2017 folder

    - Locate the file "bdtl.dll" and rename it to "bdtl.dl_"

    - Restart the computer in Normal mode;

    - Once the product will want to Update, please make sure to select only the Virus Signature option and not the Product Update one, as that will replace the file you renamed in Safemode.


    I will update the topic should we have a fix for this situation so you can update the product as well.

  • 2 hours ago, Sorin G. said:



    As a temporary workaround please try the following


    - Open Bitdefender > Settings > Update > Update processing rules-> Prompt before downloading

    - Restart the machine in Safe Mode

    - Go to C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender 2017 folder

    - Locate the file "bdtl.dll" and rename it to "bdtl.dl_"

    - Restart the computer in Normal mode;

    - Once the product will want to Update, please make sure to select only the Virus Signature option and not the Product Update one, as that will replace the file you renamed in Safemode.


    I will update the topic should we have a fix for this situation so you can update the product as well.


    Thank you for your quick response.

    That worked :D 

    If you need me to do an update to test a new update then let me know!


  • aqilfaiz
    edited November 2016


    Thanks a lot that solution worked. But before you mark the topic as Fixed, can you tell us if this the final solution (which I believe is not) and when can we expect to have the final solution released.

  • I further tested it and the setting won't stay after a reboot and I am back to the same issue. I will reaching out to the BD tech support and if nothing works out I am going for a refund...

    I wanted to stay with this protection application but I think that's not the case.

  • @Sorin G. surely, BDTS17 does not support Insider Builds as well, as Microsoft warns not to use Bitdefender, or any other security software - if one gets a problem with Insider Builds, the first advice of MS is "uninstall all anti-virus programs..."  ;) But if there are some people, who want to use both, there is a big advantage for Bitdefender developers: they can early get reported and fix all issues, which will surely come with the next "regular" Windows Update. Btw. the last Insider Build 14986 does not work with Bitdefender at all, the services do not start (Win 10 Home) or freeze after some time (Win 10 Pro) - this I have aleready reported to the service. We will see, how long it will take to be resolved - the last problem with corruption of downloaded files (not exe only, swf, zip & co. as well) is not solved until yet... hard to say, because BD does not work at all... 

  • I'm also following where this goes. I've not used Bitdefender for a couple of months now (except trying it out for a few times) because of the Insider Preview update problems with 3rd party security software installed.

    Pretty much all of my regular HTTP downloads get corrupted, but bittorrent downloads seem to be just fine. Disabling every module in settings does not affect this in any way but uninstalling Bitdefender completely fixes the problem.

    This is propably related to the WFP driver and it is causing issues with other products as well, Adguard for example:

    This issue is also very similar to the one described in this older thread and it also had something to do with the WFP driver:


    Another problem I have is the "Tools" section not working (in Total Security). A screenshot of the tools page is attached. The "Enable Bitdefender Tools" button does nothing. I don't know if this is related in any way but though I'd include it here. It "broke" around the same time.

    So for the time being it seems that we have to accept Windows Defender as our security solution.

    I'm just now downloading the latest Insider Preview build 14986 but at least it's change log/known issues doesn't show anything related to this.

    Clipboard Image.jpg