IOS BOX App crashes

Hello all. Has anyone experienced the IOS BOX app crashing when navigating from 'Devices' to 'Activity'? I've removed and re-installed the app, but did not alleviate.




  • Michael_BD
    Michael_BD Technical Support Manager BD Staff

    Hello, could you please tell us the type of device on which you are experiencing this and the iOS version running on it so that we can test this internally?

  • Sure, Mike. It's iPhone 6 Plus. IOS 10.2 I've been noticing now that it does it intermittently. I also have the continuing issue when scrolling through devices. The scrolling hesitating/jerking.

  • I have the same issue. My iPhone 7 plus on iOS 10.2.1 randomly crashes when I get a notification about a threat detected. I tap on the notification and it takes me to the "Notifications" tab but freezes and when I tap on "Activity" tab it crashes. I open the app back up and its fine. This is a random weird issue I am also having.

  • Any news if BD has/will fix the App?


  • Medic427
    edited March 2017

    I have the same issue, and I just accept it as part of the quirks of the system for Bitdefender's Box interface. I accept it because I am just Thankful Bitdefender offers this solution for the protection for the IofT because otherwise, we would have NO protection on any of our game consoles or in-house Thermostats. I look forward to Bitdefender Box Version 2.0, and I know things will get better and better :). In the mean time Thank you Bitdefender :).