edited December 2017 in General

Hello to all,

Two weeks ago, Bitdefender Internet Security 2017 automatically updated into version 2018. Ever since, when i perform a quick scan, it takes more than 7 minutes to complete it. In 2017 version, a quick scan required no more than 44-45 seconds to complete. Every time i perform a quick scan, i immediately get the green sign verification that system is OK in seconds, but it keeps scanning the folder c\windows\assembly\nativeimages_v4.0.30319_32... every time, same thing happens.  I tried to reinstall the application but no luck, quick scan every time takes up to 7 minutes...

Anyone has an idea what is it about or experienced same problem?



  • Jester, 

    I'm having the same problem exactly as you described.  The quick scan works fine until reaching 100% then green check mark but timer continues to run and the scan seems to get stuck in the c:\windows\assembly\nativeimages_v4.0.30319_32 directory and then crawls scanning .dll files.  It seems to take a minute to scan one dll file and then slowly moves to the next one in the list.  I opened cmd prompt and looked at the files in the directory and the time of creation was 9/13/17 at 3:09 am and this directory hosts .NET files.  I checked windows update and realized there was an update on same date time at 3:00 am so I uninstalled this .NET update and then re-ran the scan and completed in one minute 30 seconds instead of the regular 10 minutes or more.  But it also did slow to a crawl after 50 seconds but completed much faster than before the windows update was installed.  I re-installed the .NET update and back to same 10 minutes or more.  I don't want to uninstall a important update to fix slow scanning by bitdefender so just gonna live with it for now.   Hopefully someone will read this post and push a fix for bitdefender taking so slow to scan unless these are huge files. 

  • Sorin G.



    The issue is known and currently working on a fix.

    We apologize for any inconvenience.

    The fix will be delivered via automatic update.

  • Exact same issue here, plus:

    1) Quick Scans scheduled to run on login do not run

    2) Quick scan is constantly prompting me with "the following files must be uploaded for scanning"

    2a) What is this prompt?

  • This is exactly the issue I was about to report.  "Quick" scans now take ~ 15 minutes instead of 1-2.  Is Bitdefender uploading files rather than scanning them on my computer?  Would appreciate an update about when a fix is expected.

  • Has anyone else having this slowdown issue also found that Quick Scans scheduled to run on login don't reliably run?

  • RRS1947

    I am also having the exact same issue/problem as described in this thread with every Quick Scan I do.



  • As mentioned above, the problem is known but still no fix... Seems version 2018 is quite buggy.

  • Latest update seems to have sped up quick scans, but they are not still not running on login.

  • RRS1947

    I did not volunteer to be an unpaid Bitdefender beta tester or the automatic update from the 2017 version to the "buggy" 2018 version. Is there a way to easily revert back to the 2017 version and stop automatic updates to new versions until they have been thoroughly tested? I am intolerant of "bugs" in security software.

    I left my last security software vendor after 14 years and moved to Bitdefender in April 2017 because of the previous vendor's the sloppy code writing and testing of updates.



  • Bleb Nevus

    Disappointing that the latest update (apparently significant enough to require a manual restart) didn't address this bug.  Quick scans still aren't quick.

  • 2 hours ago, Bleb Nevus said:

    Disappointing that the latest update (apparently significant enough to require a manual restart) didn't address this bug.  Quick scans still aren't quick.

    Very disappointing, after 2 updates the well known bug is still present. Even disappointing is the fact that although 2017 version was flawless, we were forced to update to 2018 version without being asked. I really like BD and i was about to stick with it, but practices like that are quite frustrating. I also encountered same problem in a PC running Windows 7, quick scan took more than 9 minutes to scan a Garmin GPS folder, it was so boring i had to quit the process. So it seems that not only happens with c\windows\assembly\nativeimages folder but also with other folders... And still no fix...

  • RRS1947

    2 hours ago, Jester said:

    Very disappointing, after 2 updates the well known bug is still present. Even disappointing is the fact that although 2017 version was flawless, we were forced to update to 2018 version without being asked. I really like BD and i was about to stick with it, but practices like that are quite frustrating. I also encountered same problem in a PC running Windows 7, quick scan took more than 9 minutes to scan a Garmin GPS folder, it was so boring i had to quit the process. So it seems that not only happens with c\windows\assembly\nativeimages folder but also with other folders... And still no fix...

    Your reply is exactly the same behavior as with mine. This also gives me pause and to rethink sticking with Bitdefender even though I really wanted to after dumping my previous vendors security software of 14 years for the same inattention to testing updates before release. I have no tolerance for bugs in security software. Especially when it is a known issue and the fix is non existent after more than 18 days...



  • What happened under the hood in 2018 to so completely break so much of 2017?

  • It's been almost a month, 3 major updates and still no fix, quick scan takes 11-12 minutes to complete... The good thing is that in a week my subscription expires, it is highly possible that i move to another vendor, i don't want my core security full of bugs...And no official reply.

  • RRS1947

    9 minutes ago, Jester said:

    It's been almost a month, 3 major updates and still no fix, quick scan takes 11-12 minutes to complete... The good thing is that in a week my subscription expires, it is highly possible that i move to another vendor, i don't want my core security full of bugs...And no official reply.

    As I previously posted in this thread I left my previous AV security vendor of 14 yrs when they started writing sloppy code and testing then breaking the software with the new updates. This is the same road Microsoft has gone down. It seems to be what venders have chosen to do and is self destructive and is illogical. The most critical service I look for when choosing to use any product or service is the competence and responsiveness of customer service and support department. I am presently shopping for a new AV vendor and very disappointed at this point with Bitdefender's lack of both, the clocking is ticking. I have colleagues in the USA and world who are experiencing the same issues in this thread and sentiments. Please read my previous post in this thread. I am there go to adviser for researching issues with hardware and software with 40 yrs of experience.

    It boils down to the company's management and CEOs responsibility. "The Buck Stops There"....



  • Georgia

    Hello everyone,


    Thank you for waiting this out.

    Because of the nature of this issue, some major changes need to be performed at architecture level. This is why delivering the fix is taking longer that we would all want.

    Starting with the live build some of you will notice an improvement and in some cases the Quick Scan functionality will be fully restored. Please make sure the computers are connected to the internet and restart Windows when prompted. You can also force the installation of this build version by reinstalling Bitdefender 2018: open Control Panel, go to Programs > Uninstall a program > click on Bitdefender Antivirus Plus / Internet Security /Total Security from the list and choose Uninstall, then select Reinstall.

    Keep in mind that the glitch is not 100% addressed which means that some of you might still experience delays in completing quick scans.

    Thank you for your patience and understanding, have a nice weekend!


  • 5 hours ago, Georgia said:

    Hello everyone,


    . You can also force the installation of this build version by reinstalling Bitdefender 2018: open Control Panel, go to Programs > Uninstall a program > click on Bitdefender Antivirus Plus / Internet Security /Total Security from the list and choose Uninstall, then select Reinstall.



    Thanks a lot Georgia, my old friend


    Windows 11 Pro - 11th Gen Intel Core i9-11900KF @3,50 GHz, 128.0 GB RAM

  • Sorin G.



    This situation has been addressed in the latest build :

    Please ensure that you reboot the machine after updating for the changes to take effect.

  • Rampant
    Rampant ✭✭
    edited December 2017

    30 minutes ago, Sorin G. said:

    This situation has been addressed in the latest build :

    Full list of changes, when can I see? Thank you.

  • Sorin G.



    /index.php?/profile/39675-rampant/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="39675" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/39675-rampant/" style="" rel="">@Rampant I just posted the latest changelog

    Also please note  that the changelog will be posted when available in the usual place.

  • Rampant

    1 minute ago, Sorin G. said:

    I just posted the latest changelog

    Hi, did not pay attention, thank you.

  • Maki711

    On 20.12.2017 at 4:57 PM, Sorin G. said:



    This situation has been addressed in the latest build :

    Please ensure that you reboot the machine after updating for the changes to take effect.

    Nothing changed.

    Pay attention to other topics.

    Stop giving misinformation, stop saying that it is fixed when clearly people say other wise.