Network Speed

I have noticed that my Network speed increases from 72Mbps to 433Mbps when I have Box 2 connected alongside my provider ZyXEL ADSL Router. How does that happen? What technology does Box 2 have that can improve speed that dramatically? Thanks in advance for your reply. 


  • Hi Custer, the difference in speed might be due to the fact that your ZyXEL router only broadcasts WiFi on 2.4 Ghz, as apposed to BOX which broadcasts both 2.4 Ghz and 5 Ghz by using the same SSID(WiFi name).


    With BOX, devices that support only 2.4 Ghz, will automatically connect to this WiFi and devices which support 5 Ghz, will connect to this one.

  • Thank you Michael for responding. Now that connection makes sense to me.