Bitdefender Box 2 Disable Wifi

As I am running the Box 2 along with a Netgear Orbi as a wireless access point, is it possible to disable the wifi on the Box 2?


  • Michael_BD
    Michael_BD Technical Support Manager BD Staff


    If you are using an Orbi personal router, I would recommend choosing "I have a personal WiFi router" during the setup process and BOX will disable its WiFi so that you can use the Orbi for this function. What you have to do now is reset BOX to factory settings by pressing the reset button on the back of it for more that 10 seconds and then go through the setup process and choose "I have a personal WiFi router" when asked how is your network configured.

  • Definitely need a way to turn on and off wifi.  Called today and was told by tech support that I must reset my Box 2 to disable wifi.  We need a way to turn wifi off and on without starting from scratch.

  • Michael_BD
    Michael_BD Technical Support Manager BD Staff

    Hello, first of all we'd like to thank you for your feedback. We're currently working on implementing this function post setup. It will be available in the upcoming months.