Bitdefender Box 2 Issue
I was wondering if anyone is having Bitdefender Box 2 issues? my Box has been acting up for quite awhile today showing me a spinning white circle on the led indicator. It has persisted in doing this even after multiple reboots of both my BD Box2 and router/modem.
contacted BD chat support multiple times. It turns out that my BD Box 2 is faulty(after performing a hard reset... unplug power, press and hold reset button on back until the light had performed a cycle apx. 10+seconds, and then see if i seen a BOX network pop up which i did not) . I had to contact support multiple times and waited over 20 minutes to chat with someone the second time, the second time was because i did not receive the proper email after the first contact, I was sent a chat transcript and not the return info that was supposed to be sent. After the second contact i am still not getting any email and was asked for another email for contact and my wife was kind enough to let them send it there also but to no prevail (we tested our email service and received emails within a minute of it being sent). I was told they will be contacting me again within 48hrs about the replacement due to the emails not working. I am quite unsatisfied with the slow response times and a 20 minute wait for chat when i was originally the 2nd in line. also i am unsatisfied with the build quality of the bit-defender box 2, it is rather pricey for the components which are inside and is a shame it had failed so quickly after purchase. hopefully if you experience an issue of the same this info will be helpful to you... if it is not deleted first......0 -
hi0 -
I'm also having issues. Somehow, in the middle of the night, my Box2 started seeing HUNDREDS of devices that are NOT on my network. No idea how this is happening, but it's the second time. As a result, the app is super slow and often times out.0 -
8 hours ago, Ehay2k said:
I'm also having issues. Somehow, in the middle of the night, my Box2 started seeing HUNDREDS of devices that are NOT on my network. No idea how this is happening, but it's the second time. As a result, the app is super slow and often times out.
I am sorry to hear you are having such issues it sounds very inconvenient. Have you contacted support on the issue,? if so what did they have you do to fix the issue?0 -
It has been three days and i still have not heard anything from customer support about receiving a new BD Box 2 to replace my faulty one other then they are currently working on the issue after contacting customer support chat... Like what the heck is taking so long? I'm very close to just finding a new security solution and getting a hold of my bank and filing a dispute for defective merchandise and BD can go ahead and eat a back charge... It's really lame i still have malware make it through their Box 2 and then my security cams remain unprotected for days (and appears that it may turn into over a week+) while they figure things out with returning and shipping a new device... LIKE REALLY BITDEFENDER HOW HARD IS IT TO TAKE CARE OF A RETURN WHEN CONTACTED ABOUT A DEVICE NOT WORKING PROPERLY AND YOUR CHAT REP STATES THEY WILL REPLACE IT BUT I HAVE TO WAIT TO BE CONTACTED FURTHER ON THE ISSUE FOR THE RETURN? WHY CANT THIS BE DONE WHEN CONTACTED?0 -
I checked your support ticket and I assure you that we responded to your requests but it seems you are not receiving our emails. Could you provide me with an alternate email address?
The Bitdefender BOX team0 -
5 hours ago, Michael Bitdefender BOX said:
I checked your support ticket and I assure you that we responded to your requests but it seems you are not receiving our emails. Could you provide me with an alternate email address?
The Bitdefender BOX team
i do get your emails but they are nothing but chat transcrips or forum notifications each time see.... when i provided BD staff with another email which i had done as you can see in the transcript that email is not getting anything regarding that either can you provide proof you are sending the right email??? cuz i can provide proof that multiple accounts are not reciveing it on different PCs with different owners.0 -
as soon as i can i will also have my wife log in to her account and ill take a screen shot of her inbox also0 -
update i have just sent an email to boxsupport@bitdefender and gave them the ticket number i am waiting for any sort of reply regarding the shipping of my replacement sending in my old one or anything besides emails of forum reply's or chat transcripts that say we are working on the issue0 -
i have just set up another email this will be the third e-mail address i have provided MishtahMeh@outlook dot com0 -
8 hours ago, Michael Bitdefender BOX said:
I checked your support ticket and I assure you that we responded to your requests but it seems you are not receiving our emails. Could you provide me with an alternate email address?
The Bitdefender BOX team
i have just set up another email this will be the third e-mail address i have provided MishtahMeh@outlook dot com0 -
9 hours ago, Michael Bitdefender BOX said:
I checked your support ticket and I assure you that we responded to your requests but it seems you are not receiving our emails. Could you provide me with an alternate email address?
The Bitdefender BOX team
Chat support was able to link a PDF so i could return the faulty unit THANK YOU FOR FIGURING OUT A WORK AROUND to the e-mail issues!!!... now that that is figured out i would like the parts with personal info deleted (screenshots of mail app and and anything with that type of sturff) thank you guys again for the help it has been quite an ordeal to have to deal with and im sure we are all happy things have been figured out and hopefully it is all over with... As i said in the chat i will get that filled out and overnight the package to you guys... Cheers! support this time gets a thumbs up from me
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On 10/21/2019 at 7:38 PM, TheWARNED1 said:
I am sorry to hear you are having such issues it sounds very inconvenient. Have you contacted support on the issue,? if so what did they have you do to fix the issue?
I have been in touch with them but they just tell me to reboot the Box 2. Support has been woefully inadequate. I even sent screenshots. Over 2600 devices on my network?!? And Box 2 is my firewall to the internet. Pretty sad.
I deleted around 700 devices, but app crashes after a few, so it takes forever. Since I've had no (useful) help, I'm resetting the Box 2 and reconfiguring my network. But I will say I would NOT recommend having the Box 2 as the only firewall between your LAN and the internet. It appears that during firmware updates, it may become vulnerable. Both times this has happened to me, it appeared to be during firmware updates.0