Search Advisor on Google


At first, I want to give applause Bitdefender. They made progress on their web protection, Since 2019 products, Encrypted web pages aren't filtered out. Technical Support representative said repeatedly using TrafficLight extension instead. Well, understood, but it is not definitely the ultimate solution. After all, in 2020 products, they successfully filter HTTPS pages, which is good, without the help of external components. However, It still have an issue with Search Advisor function especially in Google within the Chrome browser. Still Supports representative suggests using TrafficLight, and they have no specific timeframe for support Search Advisor correctly on Google with Google Chrome, both are the most used search engine and browser. I don't get it such acclaimed security company like Bitdefender, doesn't bring the results on this topic for almost a year. I am urging you to accelerate the process--whatever it is. Because I thought I bought the best security out there, and I don't want to disappoint.  


Thank you for your attention. 


  • Roxana G



    Search Advisor should work in Chrome if you have Bitdefender 2020 version installed.

    Please follow the steps below and then check if the Bitdefender Search Advisor feature is working in Google Chrome:

    1) Open Google Chrome and enter chrome://flags in the search bar. Then press Enter.

    2) In the list that appears, scroll down to Experimental QUIC protocol. Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android. Use the drop-down

    menu beneath and choose Disabled.

    3) After you make the change, relaunch the browser to apply the change

    I'm looking forward to your reply.


  • Hansoll

    Thank you. Now I confirmed that Search Advisor is working in Chrome, while I test, I have found that Search Advisor doesn't work in Firefox. Is it know issue? 

  • lewie68

    6 hours ago, Hansoll said:

    Thank you. Now I confirmed that Search Advisor is working in Chrome, while I test, I have found that Search Advisor doesn't work in Firefox. Is it know issue? 

    I installed Total Security 2020 a few days ago and Search Advisor is working with Google and Yahoo in Firefox, Chrome and IE.

  • Roxana G

    23 hours ago, Hansoll said:

    Thank you. Now I confirmed that Search Advisor is working in Chrome, while I test, I have found that Search Advisor doesn't work in Firefox. Is it know issue? 


    Please check if you have the Bitdefender certificates installed: 

    - open Firefox

    - press on the menu button in the upper right that looks like three bars one under another

    - go to Options

    - go to Privacy & Security

    - press on View certificates

    - go to Authorities

    - delete any Bitdefender entries in the list

    - press on Import

    - navigate to C:\Program Files\Bitdefender\Bitdefender Security\mitm_cache

    - select fake-ca.crt and press on Open

    - check all the boxes you are prompted with

    - press on next until the certificate is installed

    - in the same certificate window, click on the Bitdefender Personal CA.Net-Defender certificate, then on Edit Trust

    - check the box "This certificate can identify web sites"

    Restart Firefox and let us know if everything is OK. A restart of the computer may also be required.


  • Roxana:

    I have been using Bitdefender Internet Security (BDIS) for years and appreciate everything the product provides to protect me. However, this problem with BD Search Advisor has been going on for a long time as evidenced by many Forum threads in multiple years of the product. Your predecessors told BD customers to turn off the Search Advisor feature and install the Bitdefender TrafficLight browser add-on.

    BDIS has a toggle switch to either enable or disable the BD Search Advisor feature. If I have that switch enabled, I expect BDIS to do whatever is necessary to make that feature work in my Firefox browser.

    1. Why should a BD customer be expected to do a convoluted workaround such as you described above to make a supported feature work?

    2. Do you recommend that customers turn off the BD Search Advisor feature and install the Bitdefender TrafficLight browser add-on, or should we wait because BD is going to fix the Search Advisor feature very soon?

  • Hansoll


    I followed your instruction and I have failed to see Bitdefender CA is applied. 

  • Roxana G



    /index.php?/profile/216190-hansoll/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="216190" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/216190-hansoll/" id="ips_uid_4661_5" rel="">@Hansoll Please send us a screenshot displaying what you can see when you attempt to install the certificates. /index.php?/profile/209211-laurel-valley/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="209211" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/209211-laurel-valley/" id="ips_uid_4661_6" rel="">@Laurel Valley the workaround to install TrafficLight was applied for users with Bitdefender 2019 version when we had an ongoing bug. Of course, it was up to each user if they wanted to follow the workaround or not. Search Advisor should work now both in Chrome and Firefox. If the feature is not working, let us know if the following:


    - if you have latest build of Firefox

    - are Encrypted Web Scan and Search Advisor enabled under Online Threat Prevention ?

    - does not Search Advisor work on the following search engines: Google, Yahoo, Bing ?


  • Hansoll

    Here's the screenshot you've asked. 

    Screen Shot 2019-08-22 at 7.54.26 PM.png

  • Laurel Valley
    edited August 2019


    I really appreciate your quick follow up to my post and I know from experience that it is sometimes difficult to debug software that is running with so many variables on so many different PCs. In answer to your questions:

    1. I have the latest build of Firefox 68.0.2 (64-bit) and have all Windows 10 updates. BD Internet Security 2020 Search Advisor does not work in my Firefox Browser. I have not used the Firefox work around you mentioned and will not be using it.

    2. All my features under BD Internet Security 2020 Online Threat Prevention are enabled including Encrypted Web Scan and Search Advisor.

    3. I don’t know if Search Advisor works under Google Chrome, Yahoo or Bing because I do not use those browsers.

    4. Search Advisor does work in Microsoft Edge for only about the middle half of the results that appear on page one of the search. But, Search Advisor fails to work on page two, three, etc.

    5. The BD TrafficLight add-on for Firefox works GREAT on page one of the browser search results, but fails to work on page two, three, etc.

  • Roxana:

    Your good questions got me thinking more about variables relating to my particular system and I tried a little bit more testing. Here are my results:

    1. All my features under BD Internet Security 2020 Online Threat Prevention are enabled including Encrypted Web Scan and Search Advisor.

    2. BD Internet Security 2020 Search Advisor does not work in my Firefox Browser when using the DuckDuckGo Search Engine. That finding now answers why the BD Search Advisor is not working in my system. Apparently, DuckDuckGo is not compatible with some of the code in the BD Search Advisor.

    3. BD Internet Security 2020 Search Advisor does work well in my Firefox Browser when using the Google Search Engine. It works on all pages.

    4. BD Internet Security 2020 Search Advisor does partially work in Microsoft Edge when using the Bing Search Engine. It only works for about the middle half of the results that appear on page one of the search. But, Search Advisor fails to work on page two, three, etc.

    You do not have to reply to my findings. Please use them to help BD further enhance the Search Advisor feature.

  • Hansoll

    I found that Search advisor and Encrypted web scan altogether doesn't works on FF. I followed all the procedures described above and reinstalled BD, FF. 

  • Roxana G



    Search Advisor does not rate results for DuckDuckGo, so the fact that it does not work with this search engine, it is normal. Please send us some screenshot from Edge and let us know what version of Edge you have installed. 

    /index.php?/profile/216190-hansoll/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="216190" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/216190-hansoll/" rel="">@Hansoll you need to check the boxes with Bitdefender CA from your screenshot. Please let us know if you have followed these steps. Also, please let us know on what search engine Search Advisor does not work for you and what version of Firefox you have installed.

  • I have been noticing a graphical error in chrome? whats going on here? The little arrow is taking out a portion of the text as shown in the screenshot 1357692205_Screenshot(113).thumb.png.38149e5657d2fe930fcf8beaea263dd4.png

  • Roxana G

    On 10/18/2019 at 11:46 PM, TheWARNED1 said:

    I have been noticing a graphical error in chrome? whats going on here? The little arrow is taking out a portion of the text as shown in the screenshot 1357692205_Screenshot(113).thumb.png.38149e5657d2fe930fcf8beaea263dd4.png


    We could not reproduce the issue. Please try to clear the cache and cookies of your browser and search again on Google. 

  • thank you for the reply, i had done that and it did not fix my issue... but then got tinkering with more things... once i disabled AdGuard AdBlocker my problem was fixed i am sorry for thinking it was BD and not fully testing possibilities such as extensions first so if any of you notice the issue and use both adgaurd and BD your issue is adguard and not bitdefender

    11 hours ago, Roxana G said:


    We could not reproduce the issue. Please try to clear the cache and cookies of your browser and search again on Google. 

    After this i got thinking about... it would be nice if the BD extension also had ad blocking is this something you guys might think about doing in the future?

  • Roxana G

    10 hours ago, TheWARNED1 said:

    thank you for the reply, i had done that and it did not fix my issue... but then got tinkering with more things... once i disabled AdGuard AdBlocker my problem was fixed i am sorry for thinking it was BD and not fully testing possibilities such as extensions first so if any of you notice the issue and use both adgaurd and BD your issue is adguard and not bitdefender

    After this i got thinking about... it would be nice if the BD extension also had ad blocking is this something you guys might think about doing in the future?


    Thank you for your suggestion.

    We have forwarded your request to our development team. While I cannot promise that an Ad Blocker will be implemented in the immediate future, rest assured that your suggestion is being considered for implementation.

  • AnotherDave

    Been using BitDefender Total Security for over 7 years and always keep it updated, currently running BD TS 2020 on Windows 10 Pro, and Search Advisor does not work in Chrome. I've had to once again resort to installing the TrafficLight extension. I first reported it a long time ago in this older archived / locked thread that gave the response acknowledging it was a known bug, that a fix would be coming, and to use the TrafficLight work-around in the meantime -

    /index.php?/topic/80500-search-advisor-not-working-on-any-browser/page/2/&tab=comments&do=embed&comment=289568&embedComment=289568&embedDo=findComment#comment-289568" style="height:248px;max-width:500px;">

    I'm using the latest version of Chrome, Windows is fully updated, BD 2020 was cleanly installed, all options in Online Threat Protection are Enabled (including Search Advisor and Encrypted Web Scan), and of course chrome://flags is Disabled as per all of BD Support's instructions.

    Yet still, Search Advisor does not work in Chrome, and I have to resort to the TrafficLight plugin. Clearly we're not alone in this and it has been a bug since early 2019.

    Using Bitdefender Total Security. Paying BD customer since 2012

  • Hello /index.php?/profile/113821-anotherdave/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="113821" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/113821-anotherdave/" rel="">@AnotherDave,

    In order for us to further investigate the situation you're encountering, please contact us at As soon as you email us you will receive a support ticket number as reply to your mail, please post your ticket number on this thread once it's opened so we can quickly locate it.

  • I just installed BD2020 and had the Chrome search advisor issue; disabling the Experimental QUIC protocol fixed it - thank you /index.php?/profile/212173-roxana-g/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="212173" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/212173-roxana-g/" rel="">@Roxana G for posting that tip. Search advisor works fine in  Firefox & Edge (although apparently the BD Anti-tracker extension is not available for Edge).

    FWIW the reason I have never used BD until now is, in the 2017, 2018, & 2019 versions, I could never get the search advisor feature to work in Chrome or Firefox, despite trying every troubleshooting tip I could find on the web. I would forward screen shots, logs, etc to support - nothing would get resolved - then tickets would be closed, so I quickly became 'over it' and used other products. I hope this issue is now resolved. For me, even as a relatively tech-aware person, the search advisor feature (while never 100% perfect) is reassuring, and it's absolutely essential for people like my 74 year old father who is less malware and scam-aware.

    Now I'd just love for the Anti-tracker extension to be available in Edge.

  • Hello /index.php?/profile/183569-dccontarinogmailcom/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="183569" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/183569-dccontarinogmailcom/" rel="">,

    Glad to hear the situation has been solved! 

    Regarding Anti-Tracker's availibility for Edge, this is not currently possible as Edge is not designed to work with Chrome-based extensions. 

  • 4 hours ago, Alex D. said:

    Regarding Anti-Tracker's availibility for Edge, this is not currently possible as Edge is not designed to work with Chrome-based extensions. 

    Well presumably the engineers could design an extension for Edge since there is one for FF and Chrome? However Edge is being redesigned from the ground up as a Chromium-based browser (I believe to be released early next yr), so hopefully there will be an extension for it then.

  • Hello /index.php?/profile/183569-dccontarinogmailcom/&do=hovercard" data-mentionid="183569" href="<___base_url___>/index.php?/profile/183569-dccontarinogmailcom/" rel="">,

    As per Microsoft's official announcements, Edge's compatibility with Chrome based extensions was not included as they wished to opt for native extensions, designed specifically for Edge, however, as you have stated, they have announced on the 6th of December that the browser which is meant to replace Microsoft Edge will most likely be compatible with Chrome Based extensions, thus, once the browser is launched it may be that the extension will be compatible indeed.

  • Once again having issues with Search Advisor. This time, it's in the Google search engine in both Chrome & FF. Bing works in Chrome & FF, but Google doesn't. Any one else having this issue?

    It worked fine up until I had to format my PC's hard drive, and therefore had to resinstall BDIS 2020. I've tried uninstalling BD/ using uninstaller tool / clean up junk files / reinstall BD, but it doesn't help. It's frustrating that this is still an issue.

  • itsParham

    We probably should not post in this topic since this is 1 year old but since you already reported it

    and it's been 8 days now right?

    Today i still facing the same problem, i don't have search advisor on Chrome ( Google Search ) but i got it on Bing.

    i've already sent an email to Bitdefender i'll let you guys know if they confirm the situation or whatever 🤠

  • itsParham

    they are aware of this and are currently working on a fix

  • I contacted support again. They still don't have a time frame for a fix.

  • There is still no fix for Search Advisor not working with the Google search engine, and they don't have a time frame for a fix, per support last week. This is kind of ridiculous. How is it that Webroot, Avast, McAfee etc have similar products that work fine? Also, TrafficLight is also not working in Chrome and GF with Google.

  • RedsFan
    RedsFan ✭✭✭

    Sttt don't wake them ! :-)

    Yes all others work fine, but Trafficlight is Not _

  • AnotherDave

    Search Advisor still does not work with Google. (Works with Bing though - tested again today with latest versions of Edge, Chrome, and FireFox)

    I've tried installing/unsintalling TrafflicLight, I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Bitdefender Total Security, went through all of the settings. Search Advisor simply does not work with Google.

    Bitdefender Total Security - Build / Engine Version 7.87743

    Windows 10 Pro64-bit Version 20H2 / OS build 19042.844

    Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9750H CPU @ 2.60GHz  / RAM 32.0 GB

    Using Bitdefender Total Security. Paying BD customer since 2012