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AMD 3950x Total security all updates. Scanning is very slow.


AMD 3950x Total security all updates. Scanning is very slow.

Normal operation BD uses 5% cpu when scanning set to high cpu usage is 5% literally no difference. I have 32 cores and BD uses 2 inconsistently high it uses 4 more cores sporadically.

How can I force it to use 10 cores full time?

When I had a 9900K it scanned much quicker by a large margin. It seems BD does not like the AMD

core system.

Please help.


  • HeyYou
    edited February 2022

    Just had an update that installed Build which helped a lot now it is fast.

    I changed the threaded model from apartment to free. Went from 10s of files to max of 150 files, to 4000+ files a sec.

    The process went from 5% to up to 43%, avg is around 25% which i am happy with.

  • HeyYou
    edited February 2022

    It slowed down to 10% cpu load and memory usage had exploded to 8.4 gig. Only scanning 1000 files per sec.

    It keeps increasing memory usage. Looks like the process will not let go of memory it was using.

    I used Ram Map to purge working sets and went down to 500MB and quickly rising again.