Is the BD Expert Community sort of a replacement for BD Beta Testing?

Since 2016 I started using Bitdefender as my antivirus provider. If I am right I started participating in 2018 with the Bitdefender Beta Testing Program. And in 2019 I was again chosen as a Beta Tester. Both years rewarded for my (useful) contribution. But since COVID-19 came around the corner, I haven't seen the Beta Testing Program anymore.
Is or was COVID-19 a reason for this? And is the Expert Community a sort of replacement for it?
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As far as beta testing goes I was a part of the beta testing for the year 2019 and 2020 and was rated at the top level by the bitdefender staff (at that time I was known as Flex in the community)
After 2020, bitdefender stopped the programme of beta testing and as per the conversation I had with support department at that time, they were not in move to introduce the beta testing after 2020 and the testing was basically done internally by the developers.
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Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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For the core products, the developers do beta testing only if there are major changes, otherwise there is nothing planned. But if beta testing resumes, I'll make sure the community will be the first to know. Apart from this, there is still the bug bounty program in place, with more information available here.
The forum is not replacing beta tesing, as this can only be achieved prior to a new significant release and arrangements should be made with the testers beforehand. But the community has naturally evolved in a place where knowledge is being shared and the members also give a heads-up whenever issues are encountered. This is very helpful for other users that may run into difficulties at some point and very valuable for the developers, because they can address possible issues before they scale.
So It's really very different from the beta testing concept, as the discussions are mostly based on user's experience and usage. Valuable product feedback and ideation is also collected and analyzed by the development teams in their research, therefore, the community serves multiple purposes.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user
That's a good question, maybe and especially as far as beta testing the Password Manager with some of the Wallet misunderstandings etc? Has the main BD PC app changed enough over the last couple of years to warrant beta testing? I just started using BD again at the beginning of this year from about 5 - 7 years off, so I don't know.
I think some of the issues that have come up that make it seem like we could be beta testing on this forum, are all the other new members who migrated over from Kaspersky and they notice the differences between the two. Bringing up issues and points some of us didn't realize, consider, or have just gotten used to with BD?
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Oooh, you are Flex. Yess, I can still remember you. It was a fun and especially educational time during beta testing. I remember that you was very active during that time. Maybe even the most active beta tester 👊
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Life happens, Coffee helps!
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Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)