I have many years with Bitdefender, When will add the feature in mobile security

I have many years with Bitdefender, when will add the feature in mobile security to block or avoid to turn-off the cellphone or mobile.
That feature will be very help full to track the stealer.
You already have the antitheft feature available in bitdefender mobile security which can be used to lock or reset your smartphone in case the smartphone gets stolen or lost.
Also you can locate your lost smartphone and know its last known location where it was used with the help of anti theft.
Activating anti theft on android devices: https://www.bitdefender.com/consumer/support/answer/28871/
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Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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I know bitdefender have that option, but the theft can turn off the cellphone or mobile. The feature of lock, reset still, track (location) at the end disable all features.
I hope I have explained. Since when turning off the equipment those functions did not help.
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For more reference:
(1) How to power off Samsung Android 10 - YouTube (search in youtube) The system dont allow me to put links
If the theft does that, those functions did not help.
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I completely understand your point but this is how anti theft works for all the mobile security applications, be it for bitdefender or any other antimalware vendor. I don't think developers will implement any new features in anti theft as of now.
More information can be provided by @Alexandru_BD or @Mike_BD
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Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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I understand what you mention and the purpose of this question is for Bitdefender to implement this difference between the competitors and I assure you that if they implement that change, many users will buy their product because it is something different. I do not understand why companies have not made this improvement. There is a company that has this option but since it is not recognized, not many buy it at [*url removed by @Flexx*], they have the button lock option. I would like or suggest that you make this improvement to the theft application. I reiterate my intention is to improve the product and not wait for another company to do it.
@Alexandru_BD , @Mike_BD and @Flexx
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Cerberus is a keylogger and detected as malicious by various antimalware vendors.
Below are the virustotal links for their latest version applications
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Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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The point is not to evaluate the competition but the option they offer about block option if they had a virus or data theft that is another topic. I go back and repeat, it would be good if bitdefender made that improvement. Even so, I appreciate your proactive move that you guy investigation about the system had a virus.
I as a client hope that my suggestion is to improve and not to be forgotten.
I will continue with you because I believe in your product and if you listen to the customers, you will go further.
@Alexandru_BD , @Mike_BD and @Flexx
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@Alexandru_BD or @Mike_BD can share your feedback with the developers.
Life happens, Coffee helps!
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Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)
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Hello @Kryoz and thank you for sharing your thoughts with us here.
I have noted your suggestion and converted your post into an ideation thread. Your feature request will be forwarded to our mobile security development teams in the next feedback sprint.
Your contributions and ideas are always welcome and please feel free to share with us any other suggestions that come to mind in the future.
Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user