Bitdefender Password Manager

Can you tell me why the password manager creates and inserts a new password each time I try to log into a website. I seem to spend half the day fixing passwords with the site I'm trying to sign into and then updating the password manager. I know there has to be a simple fix but I can't find it




  • Same issues, I see no answers here. Regretting the purchase of PW manager. Can I turn it off or uninstall?

  • How to install Password Manager as part of recently purchased Premium Security over the trial version installed a while back? Do you have to export all the passwords then reimport them after removing free version? No guidance anywhere on this as far as I can see.

  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2023

    Hello @CliveT

    What you can do is after you've purchased the subscription version of Password Manager, is to log out of your trial version from the left-hand side settings icon, then log back in using your Central account password and email address used in setting up the trial version you had. It should then re-sync your passwords already stored securely on the servers associated with your PM account information. Always export your password first, just in case.


    Kind regards,


    edited for better clarification.

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  • I would like to comment on the new Password Manager user interface.

    I preferred the pop up dialog of Wallet much more than the new tab that opens up in the browser for PM.

    I also preferred the way that when accessing a login with multiple accounts, Wallet had a much more intuitive pop out dialog box which was easy to select the desired account to fill the login information with.

    In my opinion, the PM UI is a step back from Wallet.

  • Scott
    Scott Defender of the month ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2023

    Since the Wallet was a Desktop app which also allowed a better view and more intuitive layout and design, is different than the browser app extension which is more compressed and not quite as "user friendly".

    There have been other posts and threads regarding improvements that could be made. Of the ability of being able to drag the corners of the open app to make it wider on a PC screen, of a desktop app (as many others have requested), of the ability to sort order the sites by Title, etc. but so far, this is where we're at.

    I do find it very quick to fill in sites, and it is still my current PM. But, as you mentioned, there is still room for improvement :)



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