Unable to download Bitdefender

Rob_Nicholson ✭✭
edited January 4 in Enterprise Security

Trying to download Bitdefender from the GravityZone cloud console. It starts to download but then bombs out. Try again and it fails either sooner or sometimes later. Most I've seen is ~70% download.


Best Answer


  • Gjoksi
    Gjoksi Defender of the month mod


    Since you need help with business product, @Andrei_S Enterprise (who provides support for business products) could take a look here and help you with the issue.

    Also, you can always contact the Bitdefender business support:


  • I did raise with Enterprise support. I've just tried again and it downloaded quickly and without a problem. Same internet connection at this end so suspect they were having transient problems with the Bitdefender server.

    I'd worked around it already by downloading and unzipping the Windows kit (the Endpoint Security Package) - that downloaded fine.