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Can the Bitdefender Spam filter be turned off?


I have a very effective spam filter and apparently Bitdefender also has a spam filter. Once a message is marked "spam" by Bitdefender, I cannot change that status. That means when Bitdefender marks a good email as "spam" I cannot then mark it as "good." I have also lost the color coding feature of my spam program, SpamSieve. I would like to turn off the Bitdefender spam filter and rely on my own program, which has served me well for many years. How is this done? Can it be done? If not, I think I may have to find another VPN provider. This is very annoying and I didn't bargain for this "feature".

Thank you!


  • Alexandru_BD
    Alexandru_BD admin
    edited May 15


    I think you can simply disable the Antispam module:

    Let us know if this helps.



    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Mac2091

    Here is what my dashboard looks like - it isn't at all like what you have shared. I apparently have a problem with my installation. I started out with BD Antivirus and then later, purchased BD VPN and upgraded to Total Security. Somehow, that did not work out as planned and I'm stuck where I started. I wonder if I shouldn't just delete everything and start all over again.

  • Alexandru_BD

    Ah, I see, I've noticed that you posted the thread in the Windows category so I assumed you are using a device running on Windows. I have now moved the discussion to the Mac category. Sorry about that.

    Are you referring to the Email Protection feature, by any chance? I'm not a Mac user myself, but I'm unaware of any other Bitdefender antispam features on macOS.. the Shield can still detect e-mails, but when it does, you can see them in the scan log, and it looks for malicious attachments.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Mac2091

    I did not notice that I posted in the Windows forum, so thank you for transferring my query to the proper place.

    I'm done with BitDefender. This has been the most aggravating experience I have had with software for many years. I will find another anti-virus program and another VPN. A company that actually helps its customers and responds to tickets. I have had BD Anti-Virus for at least 3 years but I'm done with everything associated with BitDefender. "Upgrading" to Total Security and the VPN was a huge mistake. BitDefender leaves a very bad taste in my mouth.


  • Alexandru_BD
    Alexandru_BD admin
    edited May 16

    Jeff, not sure what's happening there, but it looks like there's some kind of conflict between the antivirus and that spam program you are using, SpamSieve. Did you raise a ticket for the Support teams regarding this?

    Both SpamSieve and the antivirus software often interact with your email application to scan incoming messages. If both programs attempt to scan or filter emails simultaneously, it can cause conflicts, leading to delays, missed emails, or duplicated filtering efforts. I don't think Bitdefender is necessary the culprit here, but the combination between the two programs.

    You should get in touch with the Technical Support teams, as they can help sort this out for you.

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user