Bitdefender Linux Version

edited June 13 in General Topics

Does anyone think that Bitdefender will come back out with the Linux version for Home Users? I may be switching from Windows to Linux soon and would still love to use my subscription for Linux Mint. I know they no longer have the Home User Version and only for the enterprise. I do hope they come back out with the Home User Version! Either free or that will work with your current subscription

Best Answer


  • @Flexx I appreciate your comment and submission to Bitdefender Support. I can understand where they are coming from but nowadays with the issues that Microsoft Windows OS is now having people are starting to switch over to Linux for certain reasons. I do hope that Bitdefender will reconsider bringing back their product for Homer Users! I love their product and hope to be able to use it on my Linux Mint. I currently only use the Bitdefender Traffic Light on Brave Browser on Linux Mint for my protection. People do recommend ClamWin for Linux but its crappy software on there and doesn't do that great, sadly enough there's not much other antivirus software for Linux out there as Linux isn't as vulnerable to attacks as Windows OS is today. I understand when people say you don't need Antivirus/Antimalware software for Linux but I rather have one for my protection.

  • Hi johndeere2023,

    I totally agree with your concerns and am I in the process of converting to Linux Mint myself and have been a supporter of Bitdefender for many years now to find this road block, not good at all.

    So I guess that I will have to do a dual boot and for safety and transfer my banking etc over to the Linux O/S. I am about to add an additional layer of security to both O/S's by way of a Yubi key but the way Windows is going, more & more people will change over to Linux in the future so I guess that it will be a matter of time before Bitdefender realizes the need to provide protection to this O/S.

  • Flexx
    Flexx mod
    edited June 5

    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

  • erniecolorado1
    edited June 13

    With many waking up to the dangers of A.I. and corporate tracking getting worse, we are not wanting to go to Windows 11, especially the new versions due to A.I.; and Microsoft, Apple and many companies wanting to force A.I. and neuro processing units, tracking and processes down all our throats. 

    I will NOT be upgrading my hardware at this time because I definitely do NOT want ANY Copilot, A.I. augmented reality, virtual reality, Recall, or ANY universal tracking of any kind coming from these invasive products and OS's. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE bring back Bitdefender products for ALL Linux distros. We are talking about for ALL your products. 

    The best Windows-like in appearance and feel is Zorin OS, and thousands of people will be going to Zorin OS and just keeping Windows 10 Pro even after end of life for a few things. But the most used OS will be Linux.

    I will be moving to a LInux distro called Zorin OS, which is as close to Windows as you can get, but still be Linux-based. We are VERY upset with the direction Apple, and especially Microsoft are heading. And other companies like nVidia, AMD, and even Intel, want to put neural processing units with A.I. in their future hardware. Some are already doing it.  And more companies will be doing it sooner than later also. This is globalism, and will remove our rights and choices as consumers. 

    I am not planning on even upgrading my computer, and definitely not with ANY type of A.I./NPU hardware and CPUs in it. Although LInux generally is not known to need an anti-virus, I will still be connected to the internet, and your more advanced products should be considered necessary for anyone connected with a computer to the internet, no matter what. 

    Will you be giving support for Linux any time soon? Things are changing drastically in technology, and we need support for Linux distros, especially Zorin OS for all Windows users going to an easier, more familiar distro.

  • Flexx
    Flexx mod
    edited June 13

    Kindly refrain from creating duplicate posts. The answer has already been provided in your other post (

    This post is closed for further comments. If you wish to reopen this post, kindly contact the forum administrator @Alexandru_BD or any moderator on the forum.


    Life happens, Coffee helps!

    Show your Attitude, when you reach that Altitude!

    Bitdefender Ultimate Security Plus (user)

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