What am I doing wrong with Split Tunneling?

TruthnotLies Autoconnecting while split tunneling is active

I use Amazon's security camera, Ring, through both my phone and PC.

Ring will not allow me log in onto my PC unless the disconnect the Bitdefender VPN. Per instructions, I went to advanced settings, selected Split Tunneling and added Ring.com as a site to by-pass the VPN.

Restated: I am unable to log into Ring when Bitdefender is still turned on. When I turn Bitdefender off, I have 5-10 seconds before Bitdefender automatically reconnects. If I am fast enough, I can enter the user name, password, get a code texted to me, enter that and access Ring. 90% of the time though, Bitdefender reconnects more quickly I can enter all that info.

Why does Split tunneling not work like it is supposed to? Or, how can I delay BD's VPN by 30-45 seconds, long enough to let me log into ring.com without feeling like I have to beat the clock?

Thank you.



  • Alexandru_BD
    Alexandru_BD admin
    edited July 15


    Check the Auto-connect settings in the VPN app. You can disable the option to connect the VPN at device startup, if enabled, and also ensure the VPN is not set to connect automatically for specific applications and websites and/or website categories. Now, if the website is set to bypass the VPN connection, the autoconnect preferences should normally not affect it, I think, but you can disable them anyway and check how the website behaves afterwards.

    If this doesn't help, then it's back to the drawing board and we will look for other possible causes/solutions.



    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user