BitDefender Antivirus Plus v10 has encountered a problem

this is part of the message i get when BD tries to start:

"BitDefender Report Wizard

BitDefender Antivirus Plus v10 has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

I have VERY recently reformated, so my system is fresh. I have upgraded to SP2 and all the other winxp upgrades. I've installed the most recent nvidia graphic drivers along with nforce drivers. Also , skype, steam, utorrent, firefox, daemon tools, cubase sx3, ableton live 6.... thats it!

I've tried closing almost every expendable task in my task manager manually. No luck. Also tried stripping my startup for all unnessesary stuff like the nvidia panels. Still no luck.

Oh i guess i should say that the install went good... it scanned and found no viruses.... it was after i restarted it crashed. I've send the error report as it asked me to, but i couldn't seem to view the error report myself, so i can't post it here either.

Again this winxp pro is VERY new! I've been using eset nod32 antivirus in the past, but thought this baby here seemed so much better :)

hope that someone out there can help me. thx in advance.


  • Did you try to restart BD manually? Check the memory, to see if there are any processes related to BD.

  • Make sure all BD services are running. for this go to Start\run type services.msc and look at BD services.

    Click BD services and press start or restart for every BD services.

  • The crash was dued to either the nvidia drivers(u used them by playing games or just watching movies)or because of your peer2peer software.Anyway after BD(Bitdefender) closes like that,u can reopen it by just double-clicking the Bitdefender shortcut on the desktop!If u didn't kept it(the shortcut) during installation,reinstall Bitdefender.

    PS:If your new to BD you'll see very often crashes ,just know that the main feature of BD is that it can self repair itself either by updating or closing and opening it again,worst case restart!

  • I set the processes to manual start and restart my pc. Then i manually started the processes in this order:

    1. communicator

    2. Desktop Update Service

    3. Scan Server

    4. Virus Shield, and boom at this point it gives me the error message again.

    I've tried to do this in a couple of other ways, including the restart feauture within "services", but i always end up with no communication to bdmcon.exe, and i have to close it and restart the computer if i want to try again. A couple of times i couldn't even use firefox... it just gave me a clean white page!?

    If i look in services when i have just rebooted all 4 processes are running ("started")

  • The crash was dued to either the nvidia drivers(u used them by playing games or just watching movies)or because of your peer2peer software.Anyway after BD(Bitdefender) closes like that,u can reopen it by just double-clicking the Bitdefender shortcut on the desktop!If u didn't kept it(the shortcut) during installation,reinstall Bitdefender.

    PS:If your new to BD you'll see very often crashes ,just know that the main feature of BD is that it can self repair itself either by updating or closing and opening it again,worst case restart!

    i'm pretty sure utorrent doesn't load anything unless i tell it too as there is no installation for it... only a .exe file. As i said before i have tried disabling all the nvidia stuff from "startup", but then again the driver is still in use, so i guess you have a point. Is it possible to run BD in windows safe mode? that way i could bypass the nvidia stuff.

    I have reinstalled BD 2 times now... also tried the free v8 which worked fine. I have tried closing and opening many times, so that's not the issue i guess.

  • BD can't be run in safe mode, because the main modules aren't loaded.

    I have a nVidia video card and many other users have nVidia video cards, but I didn't have any problems like this. Video drivers shouldn't be a problem, but anyway, try to reinstall them (it would be good if you would install a different version).


  • The only conflict between BitDefender and µTorrent is stated here.

    My advice to you is to make a sysdump and report this problem to the support. When you report to the support it is always better to have the myaccount active and filled with all the details. This way your e-mail will come with higher priority.

  • Try to reinstall BD 10 and don't mess with things at start up(maybe just delete programs u don't relly need at start up like messengers or things like that).Pin point the program(s) that cause the crash(if u play a game it's the nvidia drivers,if it happens while using peer2peer programs then it's that program's fault)then whenever u use them(the conflicting programs) right click on the of BD icon in the task bar and click exit.After u finish using the "problem" program(s) just reopen BDmcon(BD managment console-which is the one that crashes)by double-clicking the large BD icon the the desktop.Other solutions:rollback to BD 9 or role back the nvidia drivers(might just work but not sure).


  • well mihai you haven't read this thread thru properly... As i said before i have almost NO appz installed on this pc. No messenger. Not even the one that ships with windows cause i removed it from the installation. I don't have any peer2peer appz unless utorrent. And that can't be a problem unless i execute it since it's just an .exe file. No registry crap there, not even a uninstall. And i don't see how i can mess less with "things" at startup, since there is almost nothing to mess with. The couple of startup processes i could spare, i've tried to with no difference. I don't have a single game installed unless steam. And i can't possibly right click on the taskbar icon when it never appears for more than a second since THE PROGRAM WONT START!!!

    Anyways listen guys... thanks so much for your help. I have given up. I don't think it's fair that i have to compromise so much with my pc's setup just to use an antivirus/firewall. This looked great, already used waaay to much time on this problem, when i could have done tons of other stuff. But your support in here is very fast and good.

    So i'm gonna go for F-secure now :rolleyes:

  • Sorry to hear that.I just wanted to help but i'm just a newb,although there are known issues between BD and nvidia drivers and pee2peer software(torrents also) i do not know the solution.

    Good luck to you.


  • tembel (a.k.a. mihai_romanian), why did you create a new account?

  • Cause your server didn't allowed me to log in(it said to wait 1409 hours to log in again!!!!!!)

  • vladx
    edited May 2007

    You must know that moderators are seeing that both acounts are using the same ip. :huh:

  • alexcrist
    edited May 2007

    Umm... it's not "my" server.

    I don't know, maybe you were banned by someone? Looking at your avatar, I could imagine a reason for that... <_<


  • LOOOOOL yeah it's not your server,sorry for sugesting it is your's

    vladx-i know they see it but understand i did it cause i could not log in with my other account name

    Cris: Don't say bad things about my avatar picture.I happen to think it's funny

  • Well, it's not funny. It's offensive. So you'd better remove it, because it could get you banned (again).

  • OK i shall be the nice lil user and change my picture.(it's still funny)

  • Well, that's better :)

    Oh, and if you think that your previous avatar is funny, just make it your wallpaper and admire it all day long. Have a nice laugh. ;)


  • This is a pain in the @$$.I'ved change it 3 times and the old one appeared instead of the new picture.Somethings wrong!!!

  • alexcrist
    edited May 2007

    Umm...I saw the new avatar. It was with a frog(?) with a sword. So it worked. Maybe you just clicked Back in your browser and the old picture was shown from the cache?

  • come on Cris THAT WAS YODA(from that old movie...)

  • alexcrist
    edited May 2007

    Possibly... :D

  • I think you two should stop posting OT.

  • haha how can a man that gets eaten by a pc be offensive in ANY way. Is that offensive to people that have been eaten by computers? There's not even a single cuss words in the small text!!! to me, that gif is as innocent as oprah winfrey :rolleyes:

  • wrath.of.achilles
    edited May 2007

    What does OT mean vladx?(i'm just a curious noob)!


    PS:never mind i just feagured it out(off topic)

  • Yup, you're wright. OT = Off Topic. :D