Key To Rollback To 2008 (2009 Buggy On Vista X64)

I need some help. I have been using Bitdefender since v8. I recently upgrade my OS to Vista x64. As my 2008 subscription was almost up, I naturally installed the latest version (BD 2009). Well, I had a ton of freezes that took me many hours of troubleshooting, but I finally traced it down to BD 2009. I rolled back to 2008 and everything is working great.

Now here's the problem. I purchased a year's subscription to BD 2009, but my BD 2008 won't take it! I need to change my key back to 2008. I don't think it is fair to have a just paid for a year's worth for 2009 when it doesn't even work. I sent BD an email, but I haven't gotten any responses. Can someone please let me know who I can contact that can take care of this?

If this is not resolved, I will switch to a different anti-virus company that is more responsive and doesn't release buggy software.
