Bitdefender Is Not Responding/bitdefender Has Expired. Wtf!

It all started last night (03/02/09) I was playing COD4 and then all of the sudden my game crashed and when I tried to log back it would not let me join any game at all. Also, my PunkBuster has stopped working and Java. Then I noticed that my BitDefender Internet Security 2009 was greyed out, so I clicked it and it said it was expired. At that time I was sure that my subscription was not expired at all. So, i went to BD's website and I tried to click "My BitDefender" and I got this message "Secure Connection Failed" ( I attached the picture.) So, I tried to go to any secured website such as yahoo mail, gmail, my bank website and so on. No luck whatsoever and got the same message. I even tried to use IE7 it was still getting the same message. What I did I uninstalled it using the BD uninstall tool and reinstalled it back. And it was still expired, so I thought may be it was really expired. I bought a BitDefender Total Security this afternoon (03/03/09) I uninstalled my BD Internet Security 09 using the Uninstall tool and installed the Total Security 2009. After I typed in the license key it said it was expired. I was like "What the ######!!! I just bought this and expired already!!!" So, I did the same old technique which is UNINSTALL and REINSTALL. My result was still EXPIRED. I even tried the trial key that came with it and it said it was still EXPIRED....

So, there is something fishy going on here BD!!!

I have been doing this UNINSTALL and REINSTALL since 17:30 EST 03/03/09 until 21:30 EST 03/03/09 and I am getting tired of it. I am still getting the same result which is EXPIRED both of my IS 2009 and TS 2009 are EXPIRED.

I called the 1-954-928-2780 and I was on hold for 5-7 minutes and then the line cut. All I could hear was music playing in the background.

I went to your live chat and the person who tried to help me was Andrea.

This is our chat:

View Chat Transcript

Company BitDefender

Department Technical Support

Operator Andrea <>

Visitor karlo <*******>

Chat Info Wed 03/04/09 :22 (rating: not rated)

Reason for vote:

Browser Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009011913 Firefox/3.0.6

Resolution 1680 x 1050

Host Name (

karlo: I bought the Total security 2009 and when I registered it said My BD was expired.

Welcome karlo! Please hold while we contact a representative. If a representative does not respond in a few seconds, then he/she is not available at this time.

You are now speaking with Andrea of Technical Support.

Andrea: Welcome to BitDefender LiveAssistance!, karlo! Thank you for your interest in our security solution BitDefender.

Andrea: Hello karlo .

karlo: hi

Andrea: Please provide me with the license key.



Andrea: The license key was registered today and it is valid.

karlo: why it says expired?

karlo: I cant check my email and I cant go to any secured websites

karlo: when I tried to go to a secured site i got this message "Secure Connection Failed"

Andrea: Regarding your issue, I would like to forward it to our experts in the technical support department in order to have them analyze it and send you a reply via e-mail shortly.

karlo: thats not gonna work... I told you I cant go to a secured site

Andrea: Can you receive emails?

karlo: I could not even check my own email

karlo: because that is secured

Andrea: Can you provide me with another email address because we need to send you some instructions and 2 diagnostic tools.

karlo: do you have a 1800 number?

karlo: or any number that i can call

Andrea: No, the tool free number is no longer available.

Andrea: I can provide you with a number.

Andrea: Please wait.

Andrea: Please use this phone number: 1-954-928-2780

karlo: that number is????

Andrea: Please read above.

karlo: how much would it cost me to call that number

Andrea: May I assist you with other information at the moment?

Andrea: It's a regular price.

karlo: is there anyway to fix this?

karlo: I dont want to pay for something not my fault

Andrea: Yes, you can try to reinstall it.

Andrea: You will not have to pay again.

karlo: i have done that several times

Andrea: As I said the license key is valid.

Andrea: Did you uninstall the previous version with our uninstall tool?

karlo: yes

karlo: i had a internet security 2008

Andrea: Please try to run the uninstall tool:

Andrea: And then try to reinstall I assure you that you will no longer have issues.

karlo: can you check this license key 8******************* this is from my 2008

karlo: Yes I used that uninstall tool

karlo: I am sure that 2008 key of mine is two years

Andrea: This license key is valid.

karlo: I also

tried the trial total security key it did not work either

karlo: how many days do i still have?

karlo: with that 2008 key

Andrea: it will expire on: 2010/02/19

karlo: what

karlo: So i wasted my $50 for this total security

Andrea: If you wish we can issue a refund for this order.

karlo: how would you do that? I told you I cant go to a secure site

karlo: and I cant return the software now because I opened it

karlo: Actually the price was $

39.99 at NEX

Andrea: From where did you purchase BitDefender?

karlo: If you want to know what that NEX store, that is a military


karlo: it is a military retail store

karlo: Navy Exchange or NEX

Andrea: Then please contact them in order to receive a refund for the order that you do not want.

karlo: I cant it... The return policy is "Open software cannot be returned"

Andrea: In this case we will extend the current license key that you have.

karlo: Are you gonna give me a new Internet security key?

Andrea: yes.

karlo: How long would it be?

Andrea: It will take 24 or 48 hours.

karlo: How am I going to get that key?

Andrea: Via email.

Andrea: May I assist you with other information at the moment?

karlo: Is there any way to fix this expired problem

karlo: I cant do anything at all

Andrea: As I said, you will need to uninstall and reinstall.

karlo: ok i am going to try that uninstall and reinstall again using your uninstall tool

Andrea: Ok.

Andrea: Please save it first and after run it, ok?

karlo: which one do you want me to save?


karlo: thats where i got it

Andrea: Save it first and after run it.

Andrea: An

d after this reinstall BitDefender.

karlo: i know i have used it before and I used it 15 minutes ago

I am really angry right now. This software is suppose to protect my computer and it is not doing it job.

This is the pic of "Secure connection failed"




  • 123456iambelial
    edited March 2009

    Alright so I managed to log in into my Bitdefender account

    and this what I have found:


    this is when i logged in thru the software

  • Sounds like some virus have infected your computer & is now blocking all secure websites on your browsers. Did you try a deep system scan?

    Have a few more questions to ask:

    1. Did you patch your OS (Windows XP or Vista) using Microsoft/Windows Update?
    2. Did you scan your computer before or after the problem started occurring? (I'm not sure but I suspect you cannot do this if the software's expired.)
    3. What did you do before the problem occurred?

    If you cannot update your BitDefender TS 2009 (are you using the trial or the expired license?), try using another computer to download the latest software updates & virus definitions. Then after updating scan your computer.

  • It all started last night (03/02/09) I was playing COD4 and then all of the sudden my game crashed and when I tried to log back it would not let me join any game at all. Also, my PunkBuster has stopped I uninstalled my BD Internet Security 09 using the Uninstall tool and installed the Total Security 2009. After I typed in the license key it said it was expired.

    I have been doing this UNINSTALL and REINSTALL since 17:30 EST 03/03/09 until 21:30 EST 03/03/09 and I am getting tired of it. I am still getting the same result which is EXPIRED both of my IS 2009 and TS 2009 are EXPIRED.

    It appears that you have two license keys, one for IS 2009 and one for TS 2009. make sure that you register the Total Security 2009 version with the correspondent serial code. I guess a screen shot of the error message that you have when you register this version will help.

  • Sounds like some virus have infected your computer & is now blocking all secure websites on your browsers. Did you try a deep system scan?

    Have a few more questions to ask:

    1. Did you patch your OS (Windows XP or Vista) using Microsoft/Windows Update?
    2. Did you scan your computer before or after the problem started occurring? (I'm not sure but I suspect you cannot do this if the software's expired.)
    3. What did you do before the problem occurred?

    If you cannot update your BitDefender TS 2009 (are you using the trial or the expired license?), try using another computer to download the latest software updates & virus definitions. Then after updating scan your computer.

    1. I have Vista 64bit with SP1 and my OS is updated too.

    2. No, I did not, but I scanned it like 2 days ago before it happened. I scanned my computer using Panda full online scanner before I posted this post. And the result of the scan was no viruses found.

    3. I was playing Call of Duty 4 multiplayer online.

    In addition to my problem, my Java got an error too which is it has stopped working and same thing with my PunkBuster. I tried to update my PB but it said it has stopped working. So, I cant do anything. It seems like BD took some of my stuff down too. Now, everything is so messed up.

    don't get me wrong I like using BD that is why I bought TS 2009, and I work at the Navy Exchange, which is a military store in the Navy, in the computer department. I always recommended BD to all my customers at work because it was working fine for me, but on 03/02/09 everything seems so messed up. I even wasted my $40 to get TS which is faulty too. If you look at my previous post there are pictures that I took you can see there that my IS 2008 still has 1 year left and the one I bought, which is TS 2009, has the 1 year also.

  • It appears that you have two license keys, one for IS 2009 and one for TS 2009. make sure that you register the Total Security 2009 version with the correspondent serial code. I guess a screen shot of the error message that you have when you register this version will help.

    I know my post was really long, but if you are going to read it again that I talked to one of your rep on live chat. I gave her my two keys which are TS 2009 and IS 2008 and she confirmed them that they were working fine, and I posted my account's screenshot and you can see them there the key are right. I attached the screenshot of my IS 2009 and it said not valid. I did the same thing to my TS 2009 and it said not valid, but it went through to your system that I have one year of protection.

    As of now, I dont have any kind of protection, I can't go to any secured wensites, I can't even check my own email because of that "Secure connection failed" message.

    I did not post the TS 2009 screenshot because I have been Uninstalling and reinstalling this last night for hours and I was tired of doing the same thing over and over without getting any results

  • Unfortunately, I have no clue of the cause to your problem. It can be a hidden rootkit, or a conflict that involves your BitDefender software & other applications/drivers. Sorry I can't help much, & the only suggestion I can offer is a reformat.

  • Unfortunately, I have no clue of the cause to your problem. It can be a hidden rootkit, or a conflict that involves your BitDefender software & other applications/drivers. Sorry I can't help much, & the only suggestion I can offer is a reformat.

    You got to be kidding me... There must be a way...

  • The behavior of the system as you described is an indication for the possible presence of malware. We will have to deal with the infection before attempting any other technical troubleshooting.

    Due to the nature of the malware troubleshooting procedure (that involves exchange of files that cannot be attached to forum replies) and the particularity of your case we will continue this discussion via email on the already open ticket: 200903041002209.

  • The behavior of the system as you described is an indication for the possible presence of malware. We will have to deal with the infection before attempting any other technical troubleshooting.

    Due to the nature of the malware troubleshooting procedure (that involves exchange of files that cannot be attached to forum replies) and the particularity of your case we will continue this discussion via email on the already open ticket: 200903041002209.

    I sent a reply to the customer service and andrea will do fix my subscription about my 2 BD softwares.

  • This might sound obvious, but is the date and time correct on your machine?