Internet Security 2011 - No Install Over 2010
The download page for 2011 says I should be able to install 2011 over 2010 and retain the license info, rather than uninstalling 2010. When I start the install it says I MUST remove 2010 and the only choices are to remove 2010 or cancel. What's this all about? It is time wasting to be told how it works and then it doesn't.
Indeed you can install the 2011 over 2010 however we recommend you to make a clean fresh install after you used the uninstall tool and restarted the PC.
Also I would recommend you to save the full installation kit file by choosing the product you purchased from the list below:
Antivirus Pro 2011:
Internet Security 2011:
Total Security 2011:
Kind regards,0 -
Hello i remove bitdefender total security 2010 and i did install 2011
when i install the update did not work then i uninstall it when i try to reinstall i got error like this product is already installed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i tried downlaod the uninstaller from then it did not help me is there any new uninstaller for bitdefender 2011?? if you can help about this issue i will be thank ful thanks
I Did all the uninstaller but i need to insatall bitdefender 2011.. what is that cuasing this product is already installed where can i find those file to delet in order to install 2011 ..if u can not i will go back to 2010 which is the best product of bitdefender i love 2010 but want to try 2011 if u can
me to install 2011 send me the produre how to remove 2011 in my email kandasoo@hotmail.com0 -
Indeed you can install the 2011 over 2010 however we recommend you to make a clean fresh install after you used the uninstall tool and restarted the PC.
Also I would recommend you to save the full installation kit file by choosing the product you purchased from the list below:
Antivirus Pro 2011:
Internet Security 2011:
Total Security 2011:
Kind regards,
Thanks. I uninstalled Internet Security 2010 with the uninstaller and installed 2011. It retained my license key and remaining subscription days.0 -
Olamba: I have sent you an email with instructions on how to further investigate the issue you encounter.
ribble: Retaining the registration details means that the older product was not entirely removed from your computer. However, it is not a bad thing if only those information were left in your computer. If you encounter any issues with BitDefender please reproduce the steps you take and a screenshot if applicable.
Regards,0 -
I do have the same problem than @Olamba.
First I installed 2011 over 2010 (Win7 x64), but the issue was autoupdate was not working. So I followed another post that was asking for a proper deinstallation (w/ the removal tool, then folder + registry cleanup w/ CCleaner in safe mode). Now that everything has been removed, any install attempt ends up by the "already installed" message.
So thanks in advance for sending me a working procedure...0 -
I do have the same problem than @Olamba.
First I installed 2011 over 2010 (Win7 x64), but the issue was autoupdate was not working. So I followed another post that was asking for a proper deinstallation (w/ the removal tool, then folder + registry cleanup w/ CCleaner in safe mode). Now that everything has been removed, any install attempt ends up by the "already installed" message.
So thanks in advance for sending me a working procedure...
And now its getting worse as I cannot revert back to the 2010 (same message saying that a newer version is installed), despite numerous cleaning and reboot, so I'm basically antivirus-less.0 -
Olamba: I have sent you an email with instructions on how to further investigate the issue you encounter.
ribble: Retaining the registration details means that the older product was not entirely removed from your computer. However, it is not a bad thing if only those information were left in your computer. If you encounter any issues with BitDefender please reproduce the steps you take and a screenshot if applicable.
I now have a problem I never had before and don't know how to eliminate it. Every 20 minutes or so, I get a box titled XP PowerToy with "create" file and an OK box. Then the same for "write file" and then for "close handle." I know what Power Toy XP is - - it is made by Microsoft. This never happened using BD 2010; only now with 2011.0 -
Can you please post a screenshot with that error message ? Thank you.0 -
Can you please post a screenshot with that error message ? Thank you.
Today the problem above has not returned, and I will not pursue it futher unless it recurs.
However, since I installed 2011, vsserv.exe has taken up to 99% of the CPU at times. It was bad in 2010, but really bad now. This is a problem people have been complaining about for a least a year in the 2010 product and it seems little or nothing has been done to fix it. If I can't be satisfied that you have a fix for this, I will not renew my license in a week or so. It is totally unacceptable to have my computer grind to a halt because of this problem.0 -
Hi Ribble,
I noticed you already have a ticket open with us with the ID: 201008291001404. Further to your query about the CPU usage please check your email and send me the requested log files. I will analyze them and provide you with a resolution in the shortest time possible.
Kind regards,0 -
And now its getting worse as I cannot revert back to the 2010 (same message saying that a newer version is installed), despite numerous cleaning and reboot, so I'm basically antivirus-less.
I have the same problem. I can`t install BD2011 since system is alerting as alredy installed. Also with 2011 Firefox is workings sooooo slow!0 -
Im having the same problem.
I had to uninstall BitDefender 2011 due to reason that Auto-Update was grayed out and unavaible.
I was told to uninstall then reinstall. Once i tried that i got the error "Product is already installed".
And a fix is urgent since my Internet guy shut down all my ports nearly due to virus being spread so i can only surf and use msn etc other programs.0 -
We have released a new version of the Uninstall tool for BitDefender. Please save the file below in your computer then open it when the download is complete. Start the uninstall process and wait to be asked to restart the PC.
Reinstall BitDefender and let me know if the issue persist.
BitDefender Uninstall Tool Download link
Please read this article:
You may have to delete the following BitDefender folders manually if the removal tool did not removed them:
C:\Program Files\BitDefender
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\BitDefender
C:\Documents and Settings\<windows_username>\Application Data\BitDefender
C:\Program Files\Common Files\BitDefender
Note: to check and see if any files are still present after the uninstall please run a system clean-up using a Windows registry cleaner (i.e. CCleaner) then restart the PC again. You can download it from: