Total Security 2011 Causes Extreme Win Logon Slowdown!


I just installed Bitdefender Total Security 2011 after my 2010 version expired.

However, the windows logon screen remains unresponsive for a period of 30-40 minutes whenever my system is switched on.

The previous start-up time for my system was 2-3 minutes and the login screen was instantly responsive to enter passwords or select users.

This is extremely frustrating and seems to be an issue with quite a few users on the forum here who have installed BitDefender 2011 products.

Please advise!

Thank you.


  • I had the same issue, system taking a lot longer to become available after login with BD2011 Total Security.

    Removed 2011, reinstalled 2010, problem went away. I'm going to stick with 2010 on that machine for a little while as addressing other issues with 2011 on another machine.

    So no resolution :( merely confirming the problem exists.

  • Can you specify what is your OS,if it's on 32 or 64 bits and RAM.

  • Can you specify what is your OS,if it's on 32 or 64 bits and RAM.

    My machine currently operates on Win Xp professional 32 with 2gb RAM

  • I to have been experiencing this problem with BDTS 2011, and it has been very frustrating having to reboot many times b4 eventually getting windows to move past the welcome screen. In the end I opened msconfig and ran a selective startup and through a process of elimination found that BD was the culprit. By unchecking BD so that it didn't start up I was able to clean boot windows (Win 7 Pro x64).

    As a result of this problem and numerous vsserv.exe failing to respond errors I have now uninstalled BD 2011 until this forum advises that these issues have been resolved.


  • stuartjl
    edited September 2010

    Using XP Pro + SP3 + updates. 32bit OS 6G installed, 3.5G usable. I had also used msconfig to disable all non microsoft services, finally being left with BD2011.

  • Thank you all for this information,we will try to reproduce this situation on our side too.

    In this topic IanA noticed that with the network cable unplugged Windows boot_s up normally.

    Can you test this on your side too and also please follow the steps posted by DanyDan to create a set of logs so we can provide a permanent solution.

    The discussions will continue on that topic.

    Thank you.

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