Bitdefender Crashing Randomly In Xp X64 Sp2 :: Pchooklaunch64.exe

Over the last few days, I've had BitDefender 2011 crashing randomly on my Windows XP x64 SP2. The Beta builds didn't seem to experience this behavior. I'll just be gaming, and all of a sudden, BitDefender crashes due to an error with PCHOOKLAUNCH64.exe

This is an annoying issue and could leave my computer open for intrusions. Leave it to BitDefender to fix their software's issues...

I've attached a screenshot.



  • Hi Eric,

    Please check your GMail account for instructions on how to further troubleshoot this issue.


  • Stoneboy
    edited September 2010

    Over the last few days, I've had BitDefender 2011 crashing randomly on my Windows XP x64 SP2. The Beta builds didn't seem to experience this behavior. I'll just be gaming, and all of a sudden, BitDefender crashes due to an error with PCHOOKLAUNCH64.exe

    This is an annoying issue and could leave my computer open for intrusions. Leave it to BitDefender to fix their software's issues...


    I've te same problem here, but than with Windows 7 X64 (Ultimate edition) and pchooklaunch64.exe & Bitdefender 2011-x64, annoying.... How to solve this problem?

    ThanX Anyway! :wacko:

  • Hoi Stoneboy,

    Instructions on how to further investigate this matter were sent to your GMail email account. Reply with the requested logs and you'll have my answer in the shortest time possible.


  • I've the exact problem with my Windows 7 X64 (Ultimate edition) and pchooklaunch64.exe & Bitdefender 2011-x64, annoying.... How to solve this



  • I've have the same problem too but with the file bdagent.exe . It crashed when my computer start. I was worried what wrong with bitdefender total security. Also, my cpu usage is so high, even up to 40%. For the whole last week, it's just about 0-4%.

    My laptop's specs:

    windows 7 pro 64bit

    intel core i5 430M 2.27Ghz*2 processor

    4Gb RAM

    is it strong enough to run bitdefender?

  • Hello,

    For those of you having the same issue as Eric and Stoneboy please follow the steps below.

    For those of you having a different issue please create a new topic and explain the situation with as many details as possible.

    StoneBoy: your ticket ID is: 201009111008901. Please check your email for the instructions on how to generate the requested log files.

    neilmax: your ticket ID is: 201009141015941. You will find instructions on how to further investigate this matter on your Yahoo email address.

    dqsang: I have also created a ticket and sent you instructions on how to investigate the BDagent issue you encounter. Please send me back the requested logs for analysis. Your ticket ID: 201009141019216.

    Kind regards,

  • got the smae problem with windows 7 enterprise 64bit

  • My laptop's specs:

    windows 7 pro 64bit

    intel core i5 430M 2.27Ghz*2 processor

    4Gb RAM

    is it strong enough to run bitdefender?

    To answer your last question - YES, absolutely. You can comapre your specs to the specs of my lenovo T410 laptop in my signature line below. I am running BDAV with none of the issues described in this topic.

    You need to continue working the problem, following the instructions from Daniel.


  • I have got the same issue under Vista 64bit (SP2).

  • Same problem, constant crashes of Bitdefender 2011 on Windows 7 x64 Ultimate, it always turns off and wants to submit the report, and sometimes it does not ask to submit anything it just goes grey, I can turn it back on by re-enabling the Bitdefender Virus Shield service but that leaves things a little off settings wife (such as the antivirus tab not having a slider anymore)

  • Hello,

    jlrx81: Do you have the exact same error with a crash of pchooklaunch ? If not please create a new topic.

    For those having this issue be kindly informed that:

    - we are aware of the issue and currently working on a fix;

    - try and enable the Parental Control and see if the issue still occur;

    - try to restart Windows in Safe Mode with Networking to see if the issue still occur.

    I will need as many feedbacks as possible. As soon as I will have them we will try a workaround to see if the issue still reproduce.


  • I will double check to make sure its the same error, and will make a new post if it is different, it happens every time I start and during computer usage - which is kinda killing the whole "trial" aspect of it for me.


    jlrx81: Do you have the exact same error with a crash of pchooklaunch ? If not please create a new topic.

    For those having this issue be kindly informed that:

    - we are aware of the issue and currently working on a fix;

    - try and enable the Parental Control and see if the issue still occur;

    - try to restart Windows in Safe Mode with Networking to see if the issue still occur.

    I will need as many feedbacks as possible. As soon as I will have them we will try a workaround to see if the issue still reproduce.


  • bump, waiting on the feedback results.

  • I am also having the same problem with pchooklaunch64.exe. It is give an memory error and shutsdown. I have Windows 7 professonal 64 bit.


  • Hi Sawyer,

    Please read my post above and reply with a feedback as soon as the tests are done.

  • Hi Sawyer,

    Please read my post above and reply with a feedback as soon as the tests are done.

    I am still encountering this issue in XP x64 SP2 when my CPU usage becomes excessive. I run a lot of programs at the same time on my machine since my i7 can handle it.

  • Hi,

    @Eric: not sure I understand what you mean by:

    I am still encountering this issue in XP x64 SP2 when my CPU usage becomes excessive
    . Does the issue occur from time to time only ? Can you provide me with more details please ? I have sent you instructions on how to generate complete logs to analyze. Your ticket ID is: 201009081008915
  • I too have this issue, using BD Total Security 2011, on Win 7 Home Premium 64bit, the program doesn't crash itself but I do get error messages popping up randomly saying pchooklaunch64.exe has crashed.

  • I also have this problem. "pchooklaunch64.exe has encountered and error". Also, is normal for both pchooklaunch32.exe and pchooklaunch64.exe to be running side by side?

    Windows 64x Home Premium


  • I have the same problem, so I enabled the parental control, restart, but the error still appears.

  • Hello,

    As I have few positive feedback on this issue after a product update launched at the end of September please first make sure you update BitDefender with the latest definitions and product updates.

    To see if you have the latest updates installed please check the virus signatures in the Update tab. You should have the following values:

    - Virus signatures: 6317628

    - Engine version: 7.34254

    Right click on the BitDefender icon in the system tray and select "Update Now". Wait for the process to complete and restart the PC if requested.

    If the issue persist with the latest updates please let me know.


  • Hi,

    I encountered this again today

    Virus signatures: 6318160

    Engine version: 7.34256

  • jdub
    edited October 2010

    I've waited a month now for a fix and nothing!!! How can the developers at this company not have a legitimate fix by now?! I'M DONE WITH BITDEFENDER, BACK TO ######...FOR GOOD <img class=" />

  • Unknown
    edited October 2010


    @Taithrah: first of all keep in mind that yes, it's normal to have both pchooklaunch running if you are using a x64 system. Please run the steps explained in THIS post and send me the results via PM. As soon as I will have the logs I will create a ticket on your behalf and escalated it for resolution.

    Looking forward to your answer!

  • The problem still exists, here are two screenshots:

    bd1gtxb.png bd2itk4.png

    @DanyDan: You got PM. ;)

  • Hi Jogibaer,

    Be kindly informed that because of having Tune-Up Utilities installed and running on your PC (driver: TuneUpUtilitiesDriver64.sys 0AD71000 \??\C:\Program Files (x86)\TuneUp Utilities 2010\TuneUpUtilitiesDriver64.sys) the BitDefender drivers were not fully installed. Only the firewall driver was correctly installed and I find it normal to receive the crash error.

    I have sent you instructions on how to correct the issue via email. Follow the steps and confirm if the issue has been resolved. Your ticket ID is: 201010141004553.

    Please confirm that the issue has been resolved.

  • Jogibaer
    edited October 2010

    Thank you, I'll follow your instructions and confirm if the issue has been solved, but can I re-install Tune Up Utilities after the re-install of BitDefender?

    I think to remember that Tune Up Utilities also made problems with older BitDefender Versions, so why still exists this driver problem. Stubbornness of the Software Developer for their product?

  • Same issue here... with Windows 7 x64 and BDIS 2011. I get this error message daily.

  • Same issue here... with Windows 7 x64 and BDIS 2011. I get this error message daily.

    A common cause for this problem is running more than one security program as Daniel explained. If you would like your specific issue investigated, you can take the same steps as Jogibaer did and send the results to Daniel.

    Here are the steps:

    1. First please unplug the Internet cable from your computer or disable the Wireless adaptor if you are using one. This prevents the supporttools files from being automatically uploaded.

    2. Click on Start and then choose My Computer/Computer.

    3. Browse to:

    C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2011

    - considering that BitDefender was installed on the default C partition

    4. Double-click on the supporttool.exe file - if you are using Vista or Windows 7, right-click on the supporttool application file and select Run as Administrator

    5. Click on Next, wait a few minutes for the progress bar to complete and then click on Finish

    6. A file will be created on your desktop. Please move it to a location of your choice (i.e. move it on your c:\ drive)

    7. Reconnect your internet cable (only after you have moved the file to the new location)

    8. Upload the created file HERE

    9. Include a detailed description of the issue you are encountering and a screenshot of the error message, if there is one.

    10. Send a PM (Private Message) with the download link to DanyDan of tech support. Include a link to this topic and give him as much detail as possible about this particular PC - exact symptoms, hardware (CPU type/speed, Memory installed, etc.), OS and version, 32-bit or 64-bit, any other security software installed or previously uninstalled. Any other relevant configuration information.

    It may take several days for tech support to analyze the files and respond depending on their workload, so please be patient.


  • Hi Jogibaer,

    Be kindly informed that because of having Tune-Up Utilities installed and running on your PC (driver: TuneUpUtilitiesDriver64.sys 0AD71000 \??\C:\Program Files (x86)\TuneUp Utilities 2010\TuneUpUtilitiesDriver64.sys) the BitDefender drivers were not fully installed. Only the firewall driver was correctly installed and I find it normal to receive the crash error.

    I have sent you instructions on how to correct the issue via email. Follow the steps and confirm if the issue has been resolved. Your ticket ID is: 201010141004553.

    Please confirm that the issue has been resolved.

    Hi, it worked, thank you very much! :)

  • Hi,

    Glad to see the issue is now resolved. Case resolved, topic closed. Create a new topic for any further queries.

    Thank you for understanding.

This discussion has been closed.