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Net Zone Is Emty


Hi there!

Yesteday I uninstalled BDTS 2010 with Bitdefender_Uninstall_Tool.exe

I installed BDTS 2011.

It seems good but:

Scan activity bar is visible,

File zone works, firewall works, in firewall activity window activity of programs are visible.

I see the activity in file zone, but nothing in Net Zone window!

I appreciate your speedy response.

Kind Regards,

Isván Kovács


  • Unknown
    edited October 2010


    You don't have any activity in the NetZone even if you are browsing the internet ? Try to start a video online (Youtube, Metacafe etc) and see if any changes are seen in the Net Zone Activity bar.

    The issue may be due to orphan (residue) files still stored on your PC from the 2010 installation. Note that we had/have few cases when a manual Windows registry clean-up is a must before installing the 2011 version. You can use a freeware software like CCleaner

    Looking forward to your answer!

  • Ikovacs
    edited October 2010

    You don't have any activity in the NetZone even if you are browsing the internet ? Try to start a video online (Youtube, Metacafe etc) and see if any changes are seen in the Net Zone Activity bar.

    The issue may be due to orphan (residue) files still stored on your PC from the 2010 installation. Note that we had/have few cases when a manual Windows registry clean-up is a must before installing the 2011 version. You can use a freeware software like CCleaner

    Looking forward to your answer!

    Of course, jdownloader and ntorrent up and download, with more 100 kb !

    The old / 2010 / version showed activity!

  • Unknown
    edited October 2010


    Do you see the chart for Incoming and Outgoing traffic under Firewall -> Settings or is it empty as the Activity bar ? Please also make a test on YouTube or other similar website and let me know if the same issue persist. The reason why I'm asking you to do this test is because the mentioned download applications (jdownloader and ntorrent) may not be recognized as making traffic by BitDefender Activity Bar.

    Please follow the steps below and send me the results via PM:

    a) Please go to this page

    and download the autoruns file.

    B) Extract the contents of the downloaded file and run the 'autoruns.exe' file;

    c) Wait for the list to be filled with all the processes and then make sure that you have the Everything tab selected in the upper part;

    d) Click on the Disk icon right under File and chose any location folder on your computer;

    e) Save the file with a specific name (your name, computer name, a random name, which one you want) and then upload it HERE


  • Here is my screen...

    Firewall is active, down and up load going

    Net Zone is empty!


  • Ikovacs
    edited October 2010

    I show interest, what is with my problem, my net zone is still empty?

    Here is my screen...

    Firewall is active, down and up load going

    Net Zone is empty!

  • Follow the steps explained in THIS article then send me a PM with the generated log file.

    Looking forward to your answer!

  • Earlier I upload that file!

    quote name='DanyDan' date='Oct 22 2010, 05:33 AM' post='96080']

    Follow the steps explained in THIS article then send me a PM with the generated log file.

    Looking forward to your answer!

  • Hello,

    Where have you upload the file Ikovacs ? I have not received any PM (Private Message) from you with the download link.

This discussion has been closed.