Unable To Restore From Quarantine

I have some files in quarantine I want to restore. However I keep getting the message "The system cannot find the specified path", I double check, the path is still there. I even tried "select a new location" and point to c:. Still gets that message.

Please help


  • Hi,

    Can you provide me with the name of those files and the original location ? Are those system files ?

  • mmdmmd
    edited November 2010

    Can you provide me with the name of those files and the original location ? Are those system files ?

    I couldn't be bother to find out why I ccan't restore. I just re-copied the file from a back up source. Thanks for the reply.

  • If you can't be bothered asking for the files you have issues with, then I'm sorry to inform you that my hands are tied since without any information, the issue can't be either reproduced nor finding a resolution for it.

    I am sorry for bothering you. If you have any further queries and the free time to do it, feel free to create a new topic and explain the issue. A screenshot may be helpful if any error message involved.

    Case NOT resolved, topic closed.

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