After A Clean Win 11 And BD Install, BD App Icon Is Blank On The Taskbar. Any Help?
Hello all, Anyone has an idea on why the Bitdefender icon is using the default "blank" one on the taskbar? I noticed that the icon reverts to the BD icon upon pinning then unpinning the application on the taskbar. However it only lasts until the app is closed, then it returns to a blank taskbar icon on relaunch. A minor…
Bitdefender Icon not showing up
started happening like 3 days ago. the icon that shows up on the taskbar isnt showing up anymore, its also not in the arrow that has the other programs icons running. but its still running on task manager and updating itself and so on. just wondering if anyone else experienced this and is there a way to have it show up…
BitDefender installs but doesn't run
Hi, I've just installed Anti-Virus Free Edition and it doesn't seem to do anything. I download the installer and run it. That then downloads more things. When it reaches 100% it vanishes and nothing happens. Now every time I restart it asks me to login to my Bit Defender, which I do. But then that screen vanishes and…