Bitdefender USB Immunizer,is that one still usable ?
Searching in the web I've found some suggestions on the possible use of this tool for trying to disable the autorun function on external drives. Is that still supported or in use? Or maybe there is a function in BDTS that could be the same as it (looking in settings I've only seen the option to enable the auto scan of…
OSSEC / Wazuh Ruleset
Hello. We're using OSSEC and Wazuh as HIDS to know the vulnerability status of our workstations. Many AV editors created some ruleset for these tools: https://github.com/ossec/ossec-rules/tree/master/rules.d https://github.com/wazuh/wazuh/tree/master/ruleset/rules , allowing to our security team to be informed when the AV…
Bitdefender Tools
I can't not use Bitdefender Tools. This is the second time i have seen this problem. The first time is English version, and now is Vietnamese version. This is my screenshot. Please help me! Thanks.