Cant Install Bdis 2009
Cant install bitdefender internet security 2009, i try install but appears: The setup process could not be completed due to an internal error, etc I clean the registry using CCleaner, but cant install. I uninstalled KIS using KIS removal tool.
Bitdefender Vault Problems
I cant create vaults... I click to create vault and bitdefender says: please wait while.... and never terminate....
Licence Problem! Need Help
I have a big licence problem..... I have 3 computers, in the 1 computer my licence have 900 days, in the 2 computer i have 750 days, and in the 3 computer i have 190. days.... WHAT IS THE PROBLEM???? I HAVE A ORIGINAL LICENCE TO HAVE PROBLEMS? I REINSTALED BITDEFENDER BUT HAVE THE SOME PROBLEM! BITDEFENDER IS 2009 NOW I…
False Positive - Hlc
Hello False positive detected by bitdefender. /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=4638" data-fileid="4638" rel="">hlc_1_setup.ZIP
New Virus - Help!
Hello I am infected with a virus that does not detect bitdefender! The virus comes from the following website: ******.blogdanet.com/joaoluismarques ****** = www This site was sent by a friend at msn, after catching the virus starts to send the Hotmail messages alone! I joined the link and now I am infected, I noticed that…
Como Remover Spyware.hcktool.gendel.a
Tengo un amigo que tiene bitdefender TS 2009 En el scan es detectado un: spyware.hcktool.gendel.a Pero quando mi amigo clica en remover, bitdefender no consigue. Como remover este spyware.hcktool?
New Virus ?
Password: infected FILE 1: http://www.virustotal.com/pt/analisis/2ef6...260587ed846c144 FILE 2: http://www.virustotal.com/pt/analisis/9010...3ee27827e780909 Waiting answer /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=4007" data-fileid="4007" rel="">VIRUS.rar
Bitdefender Can't Remove Spyware.hcktool.gendel.a
My friend have one problem, with bitdefender 2009! It detects a spyware called spyware.hcktool.gendel.a but he can't remove it. Can you help us?
Hello I have received many emails from spam that contains viruses. I would like to know a good program that is compatible with the BitDefender antispam, so that the bitdefender block viruses and spam messages
Trojan Vundo Or False Positive?
Hello I have MP3 ROCKET installed in my computer. Malwarebytes antimalware detects the next file if infected by TROJAN VUNDO. It's a false positive or a virus undetected by bitdefender? Password: infected /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=3907" data-fileid="3907" rel="">MP3RocketLauncher.rar
Bitdefender Firewall!
The Bitdefender firewall is activated. But the Windows Security Center says that bitdefender firewall this off. Bug?
Mp3 Rocket Virus?
Virus? **** detected as virus and bitdefender NOT! In the forum of #### they had said that it was a virus, that stole information would It was not possible to make upload of file. Link of download: http://baixaki.ig.com.br/download/mp3-rocket.htm Clique para baixar = Download!
Behavioral False Positive
When i start my pc bitdefender alert (this file try modify de regist). And alert for Potencial harmful applications. Is this file Password: infected /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=3439" data-fileid="3439" rel="">ctfmon.zip
My Computer Everytime Instal "scan" Its A Virus?
Everytime a setup open in my screen The name of setup is "scan" Please see this images! Hijack this: Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 Scan saved at 20:29:22, on 10-10-2008 Platform: Windows XP SP3 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.6000.16705) Running processes: C:WINDOWSSystem32smss.exe…
Adware Mywebsearch
I have a antispy program, the antispy program detect a adware mywebsearch. The bitdefender virus list have this adware but bitdefender 2009 can't detect this adware in the scan! WARNING: THE FILE NOT HAVE A PASSWORD! VIRUSTOTAL ANALISES: http://www.virustotal.com/pt/analisis/8739...c6fafa2c611d55e Hello The adware it was…
Behavioral False Positive!
My bitdefender behavioral detects my windows and the spyware doctor with a virus! Please fix this Image:
Virus ?' Helpp
Big False Positive
BitDefender behavioral detect virus in my counter strike xD
New Virus!
Hello Virus??????? Password: infected /applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=2682" data-fileid="2682" rel="">Setup_ver1.1357.6.zip
Nuevo Virus?
Bitdefender detecto un programa de irc como virus! Falso positivo?? El programa es Cyberscript, es impossible anexalo a este topico! Analisen!!
Ola Instale el programa: Adobe Photoshop CS3. Pero ahora tengo un programa en mi ordenador, el servicio bonjour (mdnsresponder) de apple. El problema es que el mdnsresponder es para el ipod se no me enganhõ! No lo consigo remover, porque no aparece en el desinstalador del windows, tambien no consigo remover sus files!! No…
Ola Formate mi laptop, pero logo que spyware doctor scaneo, detecto 5 entradas en el registo de un adware. La verdade es que quando desinstale el bitdefender me abriu una janela, para decir si goste del producto, NUNCA OCORRIO! E quando la janela abrio, fue para un site estranho! No para el del bitdefender! Instale el…
Ola Un amigo mio desactivo la proteccion en tiempo real e executo un programa que no se lo que es. Pero segundo el bitdefender es un virus. El problema es que a sido executado!!! PORFAVOR EL VIRUS ESTA BORRADO DE MI ORDENADOR? SI NO, COMO LO BORRO??? QUE AGO? Adjunto esta el programa Password: infected
Mi firewall me dice que el processo ./system esta tentando conectar-se a la red www.youtube.com. El /system conectando-se a www.youtube.com? BitDefender no detecta virus. HIJACKTHIS LOG: Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 Scan saved at 15:44:58, on 11-07-2008 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer…
Ola Tenho el BitDefender Internet Security 2008. Tengo un problema. Uso un modem, el modem cambia el ip todos los dias, e tengo de estar siempre a configurar bitdefender e a permitir los programas. Todos los dias tengo de permitir los mismos programas Como programo el firewall para no perguntar siempre la misma cosa?
Scan De Puertas
Ola raul Tengo un problema. Formate mi ordenador, e ahora bitdefender esta siempre alertando el seguiente: Scan de portas bloqueado. Quiero sabier quien es! De donde es! E estoy protegido contra hackers?? bitdefender bloquea hackers?? Ai algun programa para saber quien es atravez del ip? El ip del hacker es:…
Pendrive Infectada?
Ola raul Mi amigo conecto una pendrive en mi ordenador. Tenia un crack para un programa (pienso ser un crack). Bitdefender no lo detecto como siendo un virus, pero en virustotal mutchos lo detectan Es un virus???? se si estoy infectado, porque lo execute por enganho !!!! Junto esta el file