Hard Drive Filling Up On It's Own...
I have had many issues since installing BitDefender AV2009, but this last development takes the cake. I found my computer showing "Running Low on Disk Space C:\" error messages, out of the clear blue! When I try to remove some programs, I get error messages telling me there is not enough harddrive space to uninstall any program that I try to remove! Everytime I send files to the Recycle Bin, they show up again on reboot, even after emptying the Recycle bin. I tried deleting .wmv files, only to find them duplicated in BitDefender subfolders. BitDefender will not run a scan, nor will it fix issues relating to file realtime security. I've tried uninstalling BitDefender so I can re-install it, but am unable to do so. My computer is very close to becoming unusable. What is going on????
Please run a BD2009 Deep Scan , Malwarebytes Antimalware full scan ,SpyBot Search & Distroy and Hijackthis ( http://www.trendsecure.com/portal/en-US/to...ools/hijackthis ) ,post the logs from all this scans in this forum section , http://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?showforum=1050 -
Please run a BD2009 Deep Scan , Malwarebytes Antimalware full scan ,SpyBot Search & Distroy and Hijackthis ( http://www.trendsecure.com/portal/en-US/to...ools/hijackthis ) ,post the logs from all this scans in this forum section , http://forum.bitdefender.com/index.php?showforum=105
Unfortunately, BitDefender will not run a scan. As quickly as I delete files to try and make more space om the drive, the drive appears to fill back up by itself. Internet Explorer is just barely running, and I cannot download any software at all. I'm at the point where I believe the hard drive needs to be formatted, but I'm not sure how, nor if this will solve the problem. I've tried re-installing BitDefender over the installed software, but again, XP won't run it due to insufficient space. BitDefender issues screen also telss me I've never run a deep scan, and that is not true, nor will it fix the issues when I click on Fix.0 -
Turn OFF System restore on all drives(Control Panel->System->System Restore) and try again.0 -
Turn OFF System restore on all drives(Control Panel->System->System Restore) and try again.
I have turned off System Restore, as directed, but to no avail. BitDefender AV2009 still will not scan, nor update when trying to perform these tasks from the dashboard. I feel fortunate that I'm still able to access the internet, but cannot run an online scan due to lack of hard drive space.0 -
Hope someone reads this as the last post was a month ago.
I just got the exact same problem with Bitdefender Internet Security 2009 on WinXP SP2. The reason for the problem is that Bitdefender is filling up your harddisk with files each time the threat scanner is updated. I installed BIS2009 2 Oct and the definition files now takes up 20+GB (Yes, Giga Byte) of space on the partition with WinXP. The files can be found in a folder named: "BitDefender Threat Scanner". I'm from Denmark so the following path might be wrong: C:\Program Files\Common Files\BitDefender\BitDefender Threat Scanner0 -
Hope someone reads this as the last post was a month ago.
I just got the exact same problem with Bitdefender Internet Security 2009 on WinXP SP2. The reason for the problem is that Bitdefender is filling up your harddisk with files each time the threat scanner is updated. I installed BIS2009 2 Oct and the definition files now takes up 20+GB (Yes, Giga Byte) of space on the partition with WinXP. The files can be found in a folder named: "BitDefender Threat Scanner". I'm from Denmark so the following path might be wrong: C:\Program Files\Common Files\BitDefender\BitDefender Threat Scanner
I think the problem may be caused by operating sistem corruption or file system corruption(NTFS problems).Check you hard drive for errors with the hard drive manufacturer diagnostic tool.A full format(low level) and a clean OS installtion may solve the problem.
Never heard of such issue with BD untill now
What motherboard(SATA/PATA controler) and hard drive type/name ar you using?0 -
I think the problem may be caused by operating sistem corruption or file system corruption(NTFS problems).Check you hard drive for errors with the hard drive manufacturer diagnostic tool.A full format(low level) and a clean OS installtion may solve the problem.
Never heard of such issue with BD untill now
What motherboard(SATA/PATA controler) and hard drive type/name ar you using?
BTW, didn't tell before because I had forgotten: Bitdefender is set to update every hour so the 20+ GB consisted of all the updates released sinse I installed the program.
I'm unfortunately pretty sure the fault is with Bitdefender. I'm keeping my computer in top form (never had any malware on it and it's kept defragmented) and have never had any problems until I started using Bitdefender. Actually I can tell you I have only had one single piece of malware (not counting spy-cookies) on a computer of mine sinse I started getting online back in '98 and that came from a infected CD from a computer magazine. This single case happened back in '99 or something like that.
On one of my other HDDs I have Vista installed and running Kaspersky Internet Security. A total scan of the computer has never revealed any malware neither when scanning with Bitdefender (on WinXP SP2) or Kaspersky on Vista SP1 so I take it there is none.
I regained the space mis-used by Bitdefender by booting my computer to Safe Mode and manually deleting all folders in the "BitDefender Threat Scanner" folder older then 21th of Dec thereby regaining the free space there is supposed to be. Bitdefender is currently claiming that everything is well and I ran a manual update of it just to test for eventual problems.
If the filesystem was corrupted I would either not be able to delete those folders inclucing contents, or not regain the free space while getting less used space after deletion. When adding partition sizes togethere I get the correct size for that harddisk. If my OS was getting corrupted I would have lots of problems which I do not, I only have problems related to Bitdefender (it suddenly stops working and ask me to restart the computer, and then the excessive amount of definition files that were in that folder). My computer is a high performance computer build for gaming using WDs RAID harddisks (I'm not using RAID though but they have better warrenty and cost only a fraction more). I wouldn't wonder if the problem with Bitdefender stopping to work is related to those folders (more exact the total amount of data in that folder) I deleted, but time will tell.
My motherboard is the Asus Striker Extreme (I'm one of those lucky with a trouble free sample) using the best drivers of those available and I use only WD RE or RE2 harddisks. I do not use RAID.0 -
Just for the fun of it I checked the harddisk using WDs tool and as expected no errors.
BTW, how can you say you have not heard about this issue with BD until now? Have you tried reading this very thread and also checking the forum? Admitted I'm the only one who had 20GB+ obsolete BD files but there are other people having the same problem. There are probably many others out there, they just don't notice BD filling their harddisk because the files takes up relative little space on a say 500GB harddisk, but that is no excuse for not fixing the problem with BD not deleting the old obsolete definition files.
On a side note: BD has behaved sinse I deleted all those folders including their contents.0 -
Hi HG_PCDania, Thanks for the info on the BD Threat Scanner folder. I have not looked into it yet, but will do so soon. Out of sheer frustration, I handed over my PC to my sister-in-law, who managed to delete enough of my other non-essential programs to regain enough HDD space to get it functioning again. She deleted BDAV2009 and installed BD Security Suite 2008, which she loves, and had had no issues with. I thanked her, and re-took posession of my computer again. BD 2008 was much better, but I had already paid for BD2009, and deleted 2008 and reinstalled 2009. After reinstalling BD2009, I found I could not get it to update! I uninstalled it and reinstalled it, but no luck. So, I attempted to contact BD support via email, and shortly thereafter, got an automated response telling me I'd receive a reply within 48 hours. I was excited! I had my computer running, scanned and found malware-free, and was able to see my Hard Disk Drive holding 12 Gb free space! WOW!
Today, I received another automated email (After over 100 hours later) telling me I need to create an account (I already had one) and contact Tech Support via the web! Then I got a Forum Response email, and I read the response from HG_PCDania, and realized that the reason my HDD is keeping that 12 Gb of free space is due to the fact that it will NOT update! I've put in yet another attempt at contacting BD Tech Support via email, and am hoping (The eternal Optimist) for an actual response as to WHY MY BDAV 2009 WILL NOT UPDATE!
It's gratifying to me that I am not the only one experiencing the Incredible Shrinking Hard Disk Drive Syndrome, but at the same time deeply disappointed that when I DO finally get the update issue resolved, my HDD space will then disappear again. Excuse me, but I have to go and check for this Threat Scanner folder.0 -
Well, I went into the common files/bitdefender/threat scanner folder and tried to delete the av32bit_XXXX files, some of which are almost 1 Gb in size, but cannot do so because "Access denied" error message. Hmmm. I',m not sure if I want BDAV2009 to update, after seeing this!
0 -
I have already replied to this topic
I'm hoping maybe some of you can answer my question so that i can rule out permissions on the system. Also when you say that your update is broken are you referring to the error that appears when trying to run the update or are you just not recieving any new files in your folders?
My reasoning behind this is that my update says error but i'm assuming it is because BD is unable to remove the old folders. New ones continue to arrive.0 -
Well, I went into the common files/bitdefender/threat scanner folder and tried to delete the av32bit_XXXX files, some of which are almost 1 Gb in size, but cannot do so because "Access denied" error message. Hmmm. I',m not sure if I want BDAV2009 to update, after seeing this!
Boot your computer to Safe Mode by pressing F8 during start of the computer, then you can delete the offending av32bit_xxxx folders. This is what I did to get rid of the 20+GB they took up on my computer.0 -
Thanks, fellows, for those responses. My update doesn't work at all. It will not do anything when I click on "Fix" or :"Fix these issues". When I go into "Settings" for update, the screen is greyed out, and unresponsive to anything besides clicking on another tab. I'll give the Safe Mode thing a try, while I'm waiting for a "48 hour" response from our good friends at BitDefender Technical Support.
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To all that have this problem, please run a FULL CHECK DISK with Windows XP utility ,right click on each partition/properties /tools/ press "Check now" tab and tick all the little boxes.For the boot partition you ll ne asked to restart,after the check disk finishes the computer may reboot , after this please look in Control Panel ->Administrative Tools->Event Viewer-> in the right panel choose "Application" and in the right search for a event with "source" Winlogon ,read the checkdisk result and post the litle info from there (select the text with the mouse then Ctrl+C and paste it into your reply).
Just to be sure its not some NTFS filesystem error ,which may happen" /> .
My motherboard is the Asus Striker Extreme (I'm one of those lucky with a trouble free sample) using the best drivers of those available and I use only WD RE or RE2 harddisks. I do not use RAID.
Unfortunatelly there are strange problems with SATA WD drives when NCQ enabled(if AHCI is enabled NCQ is enabled also) when in combination with some SATA controllers.0 -
To all that have this problem, please run a FULL CHECK DISK with Windows XP utility ,right click on each partition/properties /tools/ press "Check now" tab and tick all the little boxes.For the boot partition you ll ne asked to restart,after the check disk finishes the computer may reboot , after this please look in Control Panel ->Administrative Tools->Event Viewer-> in the right panel choose "Application" and in the right search for a event with "source" Winlogon ,read the checkdisk result and post the litle info from there (select the text with the mouse then Ctrl+C and paste it into your reply).
Just to be sure its not some NTFS filesystem error ,which may happen" /> .
Unfortunatelly there are strange problems with SATA WD drives when NCQ enabled(if AHCI is enabled NCQ is enabled also) when in combination with some SATA controllers.
And that problem apparently only manifests with Bitdefender? Do you have a link? Do you evnen KNOW what you are talking about or is it just something you have read somewhere? I say it's a Bitdefender bug as I only have that problem with Bitdefender and none of all the other programs I have on my computer. Actually I have not had any problems on my computer before I installed Bitdefender.0 -
You know what to do then. Uninstall bitdefender; use another free anti-virus program and see if the same thing happens. Haven't encountered the same problem with bitdefender, but the updates are huge (especially all of the plug-ins).
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You know what to do then. Uninstall bitdefender; use another free anti-virus program and see if the same thing happens. Haven't encountered the same problem with bitdefender, but the updates are huge (especially all of the plug-ins).
Before I bought Bitdefender I had Kaspersky installed and running on the same harddisk sinse May 2007 without any problems. As I give people support with their computers and had read that Bitdefender was effective and would not slow down the computer I desided to give Bitdefender a try so I could get firsthand impression, after all it looks a bit one-sided suggesting Kaspersky which I have tried myself for 3 years all in all (never had problems) and then 2 other programs I've only read about. Yes, I did uninstall Kaspersky and made sure there were no remnants back before installing Bitdefender.
I agree with you the update folders for BD are a bit large at 50MB used disk space for each. After I deleted all folders except for the 2 newest I delete 5 more yesterday (the remainder from the 21th of Dec). Currently there are 8 av32bit_xxxx folders taking up a total of 360MB of actual disk space. If you look around you will note there are other people on this forum having this problem. One forumer reported having 40GB+ of old definition folders on his computer, he tried uploading a picture as proof but couldn't because it was in the BMP format.
I'm currently contemplating openening a new thread asking people what operating system they use including service packs, what version of Bitdefender they use, how much space their "BitDefender Threat Scanner" folder use and just for the sake of it, what mainboard brand and model they use + brand and size of the harddisk they have Bitdefender installed on. I'm just unsure if people see the thread and reports back and if they will use it for other messages related to this problem as as much data as possible is needed and preferably in a clutter free thread so it's easy to gather. I suspect there's a bug working here so the info would be important for the developers of Bitdefender.0 -
PcDania please stop filling up pages with useless talk.
Did you even bothered to check the disk for errors or not ?Please post the check disk report as i showed you.
Computer problems occur suddenly and unexplainable many times ,maybe your hardware got "ill" just after you uninstalled K.....
If BD 2009 doenst work properly install BD 2008 and if that doesnt work either just use a free antivirus.
You can always ask offcial support if you really bought BD.
I have not encountered such bug and i can tell you that a lot of BD bugs are triggered by incorect system settings like RAM timings too tight ,although Memtest may pass or hard drive problems.Update motherboard BIOS to the latest version put the timings on auto increase the RAM voltage with 0,1V ,but keep it under the maximum voltage specified by your RAM manufacturer.
As some games may not work properly with some drivers in same way a software antivirus program may behave diferently in the same configuration.Kaspersky is not BD and it does not offer same real time proactive protection so stop saying that if product X worked then Y product should work too.
And because you said you had previously Kaspersky please make sure you remove all services and registry remainigs.
Try a clean Windows install this will remove for sure those remainings.
You cant be helped if you say NO to all sugestions so from now on help yourself.0 -
PcDania please stop filling up pages with useless talk.
Did you even bothered to check the disk for errors or not ?Please post the check disk report as i showed you.
It's clear you didn't bother to actually read my replies. The is NO problems what-so-ever with neither my OS, my HDD or the filesystem which is NTFS. I can also tell you my computer is not OC'ed in any way but that doesn't hinder me in running games like Crysis at 1600x1200 with the same high settings as computes that on the paper has better specifications but I'm running at a little higher framerate, not that I beat all of them but some I do. Also, if you take a look around you will note there are other people having that exact same problem with BD filling up the harddisk, with one user reporting 40+ GB (GigaByte) of old definition files left on his computer.You cant be helped if you say NO to all sugestions...
I haven't said NO to all your suggestions. I have troubleshot PC's for close to 10 years and professionally build and installed computers, and I have never encounted that a program that for 2½ months forgets to delete outdated files is a indicator of a corrupt filesystem. If the filesystem was corrupt for that long or the harddisk damaged, I would have had lots of problems long time ago....so from now on help yourself.
Do you promise not to try 'help' me further? My 10 years of experience tells me that in at least this case you don't have much of a clue what you are talking about, either that or you don't actually read and try to understand what people are writing.
You reminds me of a fellow I happend upon on a forum, who told all people that if they adjusted the refresh rate on their CRT monitor to 60hz it would solve the problem with their game. I found out he had a problem with his eyes (he alllways posted using the biggest font available) and after a little private talk with him he told that his eye problem meant he had to use special software for being able to read the text on his monitor. The software requires that his monitor is set to max. 60hz or it malfunctions. For people not having to use that kind of software, running a CFT monitor at too low a refresh rate can actually make them sick so it's advised allways to set the refresh rate as high as possible on a CRT monitor. What your games and other ordinary programs goes, they don't care what refresh rate the monitor is set to. This fellow also had the idea that if a solution worked then it could solve all problems that seemed just slightly related.
Sorry to anyone else reading this, I'm usually not this rude but this 'help' I get from this wellmeaning fellow is a waste of time.
Please Admin, if you change anything in this post tell me exactly what I did wrong, else I can't learn from my error.
MCSA and Certified PC builder.
(Not what I use to brag)0 -
Whew! HG_PCDania has ruffled some feathers here, and I feel, rightly so. Sm3K3R has offered solutions to my particular problem(s) that are unworkable. BitDefender Tech Support has shown, in my case (I bought the program) to be nothing more than automated response emails, and even those are sent WAY past the 48 hour turnaround time they claim.
I have taken one piece of advice from Sm3K3R, though, and "uninstalled" BDAV2009, albeit not without issues there, as well. I uninstalled it using Control Panel/Uninstall Programs, only to find it is still there! I used my installation CD and got more of it uninstalled, but had to manually remove the remainder files, such as my 43.5 Gb Threat Scanner files (Safe Mode only, as suggested by HG_PCDania, thank you). I still get a grey BD icon in my tray, and there are other remnants that I can't seem to remove, but I've gained 50 Gbs. of hard drive space!
I'm not even going to try to get my money back for BitDefender AV2009. In this world economy, they'll need it as their customer base dwindles due to the bloatware they are selling as PC protection.0 -
It's clear you didn't bother to actually read my replies. The is NO problems what-so-ever with neither my OS, my HDD or the filesystem which is NTFS. I can also tell you my computer is not OC'ed in any way but that doesn't hinder me in running games like Crysis at 1600x1200 with the same high settings as computes that on the paper has better specifications but I'm running at a little higher framerate, not that I beat all of them but some I do. Also, if you take a look around you will note there are other people having that ................................................................................
Please Admin, if you change anything in this post tell me exactly what I did wrong, else I can't learn from my error.
MCSA and Certified PC builder.
(Not what I use to brag)
I ve helped on hardware forums so many people as i cant remember and never expected anything in return, but my satisfaction that one more computer user is happy with his rig ,also i have repaired and set up a lot of systems in real life of course not as many as you did in 10 years of hard work.As for the certifications ,oh well ,there are a lot of "experts" that dont know how to do a proper routine OS installation.As for CRT monitors (oposed to the guy youre talking about in your replies) i can dismantle it and rebuild it from scratch .At 14 years old i was building my first audio amplifier ,wasnt great ,but sound was coming out of it.
Now letting aside this little offtopic(hope admins will not delete it), have you intallled BD 2008 instead , to see how it goes? From my knowledge BD 2009 licence works with BD 2008 too.
I have never encounterd the issue you are presenting here and i DO NOT DENY IT ,but bugs occure and are triggered by system tweaks , wrong hardware settings or defective parts with hidden/random triggered weakneses ,as well as because of software errors.Anyway you cant never predict what a RAM module can do when some RAM timing is too tight.I would recommend you to run some Prime 95 instances(for lets say 12 hours) to be sure that the CPU is properlly set up.Disable the automatic overcloking tools from your motherboard BIOS ,if enabled.
Anyway if you hide "some" overclocking tweaks or cracked software the only one that gets fooled is you.
You could also try and install BD 2009 on the OS where you still havent used it yet and install on the OS with BD troubles some other antivirus ,the one that performed ok for you in the past.You could also try and remove one of the hard drives temporarly(most probable the one with Vista will remain connected, because it contains the boot info) - disconect it from the controller and PSU (if the double boot is set up on different harddrives, which is recomended) and leave only one hard drive in your system.Check the partitions with the check disk utility and defragment them ,install/repair Microsoft Visual C++ prior to BD installation.
As a last statement BD 2008 it is lighter than BD 2009 and more suited for gaming.
HG_PCDania you can ignore me ,this is the last reply on this problem.You can contact Cris for further help ,he has some contacts with BD team, if i remember well.
For the other users that encounter the problem,i can only advise you to use BD 2008 instead and contact the BD support and ask for help, they will troubleshoot your problem (with some specific tools, from my knowledge), but this is available of course only for licenced users.I can t help you more i m not a programmer and i m out of suggestions.
There is always a workaround, just look for it!
Good luck and Merry Christmas to everyone!
Edited for some corrections.0 -
I did say I would igore Sm3K3R but in this case I'll make an exception.
" />
Anyway if you hide "some" overclocking tweaks or cracked software the only one that gets fooled is you.
How DARE you claim both that I'm lying and that I have illegal software on my computer" /> My computer is NOT OC'ed as that is turned off in the BIOS. All software that I have in my possession is 100% legal as I have paid for everything that had a price and the remainder is released under GNU or is freeware (not abandon ware, but freeware) or programs I have got as a "thank you" gift when beta testing.
" />
What on earth has building an amplifier (well done by a 14 year old but anyway), or being able to disassemble and re-assemble a montor to do with troubleshooting a computer? I wouldn't wonder the slightest bit if some of the engineers who knows how to build harddisks don't know how to install a computer.
I'm sure the Bitdefender developers are gracious you are asking people to uninstall BD2009 and roll back to BD2008 thereby doing them an actual dis-service especially now with the bad economy and everything. It's the same as telling people that BD2009 is a bad program and the developers don't know what they are doing. How can I trust BD2008 if BD2009 is so bad it has to be uninstalled? Why don't you tell people to install a antivirus program from another developer now that you are at it?
Don't bother reply! I've never been insulted like this for I don't know how long. Hinting that I am liar and that I don't know how to install and set up a system is one thing, but the worst is you call me a software pirate. Very" />
0 -
HG_PCDania is nothing wrong in using BD 2008 instead of BD 2009, at least untill you solve the problem or untill developers adress your bug.I recommended you a product from the same company that is still supported.
Read again carefully what i ve said, there is an if in the frase that made you angry" /> .I did not called you pirate mate
This is really the last reply,otherwise we re gettting ###### over here.
Merry Christmas HG_PCDania !
Remember this is just a forum ,it is not BD support.0 -
I finally have been contacted by BitDefender Support via email this morning. Unfortunately, just a bit late, as the files they have asked me to do screenprints of were deleted when I un-installed BDAV2009, and installed a competitor's AV program. I have enjoyed the interaction of this forum, and wish those of you owners of BDAV2009 all the best of luck. I am enjoying the 50+ Gbs. of re-gained hard disk drive space, and this will most likely be my last post.
0 -
Sm3K3R has it right, BD2008 works, use it now with your BD2009 key (at no extra cost). BD says that 2008 & 2009 use the same anti-virus programming.
Maybe in year 2009 the BD2009 will suddenly start working for all users. Not much time left.
My concern isn't for those who realize that BD2009 has problems, I worry about the vast majority of users who have no idea that their BD2009 may not be working right. These folks are in danger and don't know it.
Who is going to tell them they are screwed and who will fix it for them?
Fungus0 -
Sm3K3R has it right, BD2008 works, use it now with your BD2009 key (at no extra cost). BD says that 2008 & 2009 use the same anti-virus programming.
Maybe in year 2009 the BD2009 will suddenly start working for all users. Not much time left.
My concern isn't for those who realize that BD2009 has problems, I worry about the vast majority of users who have no idea that their BD2009 may not be working right. These folks are in danger and don't know it.
Who is going to tell them they are screwed and who will fix it for them?
I also worry about all those people who don't know that BD2009 does not work correctly on some computers. Because of this I still have it installed and have contacted Bitdefender in the hope they get this error corrected ASAP.
Might be BD2008 is working correctly, but reverting back to that program is not the correct solution. Another thing is I'm a bit wary about BD as a whole after reading about some of the problems people have and what I have experienced myself. I would prefer it being one of the best like I had read people tell on forums, as I like to be able to have a good conscience when suggesting antivirus solutions and firewalls. With all those nasty virus and other malware out there ready to take over peoples computers, I like to be able suggesting the best possible solutions to all the people I'm giving advice or helping.0 -
I built my first LEGO 600 piece collection set when I was seven so you don' thave nothing on meAs for CRT monitors (oposed to the guy youre talking about in your replies) i can dismantle it and rebuild it from scratch .At 14 years old i was building my first audio amplifier ,wasnt great ,but sound was coming out of it.. Really accusing others of having a pirated version of the program is the easy way out of support and losing customers (just check on the gaming company Iron lore and you will see where they lost most of their customers). On the positive note, seems like bitdefender 2009 antivirus engine is scanning a lot faster so hopefully there is some progress before it is actually 2009.
0 -
Hi there. Belated Happy New Year.
Hope I am able to post in this thread as spreading my posts all over the forum is a bad idea.
Contacted BitDefender Support 24th of December, have only got an automated reply.
Today BIS2009 started on its 'is not responding' acting up. Checked the "BitDefender Threat Scanner" folder and found it at 3.46GB. Booted to Vista and took a screenshot as proof before deleting the outdated folders. BIS2009 is now behaving again.
Maybe if a Moderator reads this he/she could contact BitDefender and ask them to reply to Ticket ID:200812241008481
I'm aware there has been a lot of days off between then and now, but something like: "We have seen your mail and will come back to you" message from a human being would be great.
Uploaded the picture I made as proof before deleting the outdated folders, when making this reply. Don't know where to find it here at the forums though.0 -
Finally got a response from BitDefender Support. They said Sorry for the delay, we had a technical problem. Have send the files they requested so let's see what happens.
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Got a new mail from BitDefender Support. For some strange reason they suggest I upgrade to BitDefender Internet Security 2009?? It is that very program I and some other people have problems with filling up the harddisk with outdated files.
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I have exactly the same problem .. but with BD 2008. Under Program Files/Common Files/BitDefender, the BitDefender Threat Scanner folder had built up to 14 gigabytes -- more than a third of my entire hard drive. Like others, I restarted in Safe Mode and manually deleted all but the most recent folders and liberated my hard disk. BD works fine apart from that. Is there a fix?????
0 -
After advice from Support I have now unistalled BitDefender Internet Security 2009 using the BitDefender Uninstallation Tool.
On my own decision manually made sure BIS2009 actually was uninstalled which it was.
Reinstalled and activated BIS2009 again.
Some time tomorrow I expect to know if it worked or not.
In the mean time I suggest you people out there try check the size of the "BitDefender Threat Scanner" folder, also if you seems to have no problems with the program. Remember, guy who started this thread ended up having 50+ GB of outdated folders.
I don't know if it will work but try uninstall BD 2008 using the BitDefender Uninstallation tool (direct link): http://www.bitdefender.com/uninstall
Install BD 2009 and see if that solves the problem. Even if you for some reason is unable to registere BD 2009 using your BD 2008 registration key, you should still be able to use BD 2009 for the 30 day trial periode. It should not take more then a day to find out if changing to BD 2009 or not, especially if you make sure to let it update hourly. According to Support, there should only be two av32bit_xxxx folder in the "BitDefender Threat Scanner" folder. I take it one of those 2 folders is the av32bit_000 folder as that is the newest one.0 -
Unfortunately uninstalling BIS2009 using the uninstallation tool and reinstalling BIS2009 did not solve the problem with the outdated folders not getting deleted.
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Unfortunately uninstalling BIS2009 using the uninstallation tool and reinstalling BIS2009 did not solve the problem with the outdated folders not getting deleted.
Thanks anyway. I wonder if the problem is related to the way BD interacts with XP service pack 3. I guess I could risk upgrading to BD 2009 or choose a different virus program.0 -
Thanks anyway. I wonder if the problem is related to the way BD interacts with XP service pack 3. I guess I could risk upgrading to BD 2009 or choose a different virus program.
It does not as I have not installed SP3 for Windows XP. I have WinXP Pro SP2 kept fully updated on Microsoft Update but without SP3 as I can't see it gives me anything.
I have just received a mail from Support where they ask me to run a special registry cleaner for being able to install BitDefender..... Ehhh, I'm not sure what is going on here. I have no problems what-so-ever installing BitDefender. I have problems with it not deleting the old definition files when it updates itself..... * pretty confused*
Another strange thing is I get two similar mails every time I get mail from them, very strange.0 -
Got the following reply from BitDefender Support:
Dear (I have removed my name)
Thank you for your interest in our security solution, BitDefender.
The issue that you have reported has been acknowledged by our team and is
currently being worked on for a fix. The fix will be done by means of
automatic update and won't require any additional action from your part.
Until the automatic fix is available, the only solution for the issue is to
manually delete all but the last 2 update folders, from the C:\Program
Files\Common Files\BitDefender\BitDefender Threat Scanner folder. The last 2
folders will be the folders which have the highest 2 numbers in the name of
the folder.
We are very sorry for any inconvenience that we may have created and we rest
at your disposal for further information.
Thank you for your support and patience.
As you fellow BitDefender users can see, the error has been acknowledged and they are working on a fix. The fix will be part of one of the automatic updates so I (we) will not have to do anything further except keeping an eye on the contents of the "BitDefender Threat Scanner" folder until the fix is out.
You will likely find out by yourself when the fix is installedI expect a restart of the computer is required after the fix has been installed but the program should notify you about this.
For those who have not read or heard yet: For deleting the outdated folders in the "BitDefender Threat Scanner" folder, you will have to boot the computer to "Failsafe Mode" by pressing F8 while the computer starts, just around the time when your Operating System starts loading. There's a very short time where you can press F8, so it might take some tries before you get the screen where you can select "Failsafe without network". I suggest "Failsafe without network" as Safemode means neither antivirus, nor firewall is running, so if you are allways on, the door to the internet is wide open if you select any other Failsafe mode but "Failsafe without network".0 -
Too bad you leave the forum,..i and the other guy (coconesian) have similar problem as yours,...the update service is unavailable and grayed out.
read here, the (proable) solution is at the bottom page:
But sadly i cannot confirm whether my bitdefender threat scanner folder is getting big as well. I already uninstall bitdefender in my 2nd computer,..no problem anymore in 1st computer though,...i think.
But it makes me wonder,.how come we update the "patch" if the update service is UNAVAILABLE ? Another uninstall/install again ???
Sigh..0 -
But it makes me wonder,.how come we update the "patch" if the update service is UNAVAILABLE ? Another uninstall/install again ???
Have you tried manually updating Bitdefender?
Procedure and link to newest definition files can be found in below link:
Before updating BitDefender, make sure your computer is malware free as for not getting the download infected.
You might like to run one of the free online antivirus scanners for making sure your computer is malware free.
It would be impolite of me pointing you to a competitors product, that's why I'm not giving a link.0 -
Have you tried manually updating Bitdefender?
Procedure and link to newest definition files can be found in below link:
Before updating BitDefender, make sure your computer is malware free as for not getting the download infected.
You might like to run one of the free online antivirus scanners for making sure your computer is malware free.
It would be impolite of me pointing you to a competitors product, that's why I'm not giving a link.
I know about manual weekly /cumulative update.
But if i'm not mistaken (i read it somewhere),..the weekly update is just definition database and program scan engine updates, not program patch (CMIIW).
From what i've read,..the weekly/cumulative is only update this section (screen caps below)
Not this section (screen caps below), to update this section we need live update (which is not available for me !)
But hey, this problem seems to gone now (at least in my 1st computer), don't know about my 2nd computer, i don't have that enough time to install/uninstall again in my 2nd computer. (i have slow internet connection 64kbps, so..big update in first installation is really pain in the a** for me).
The truth is, i kinda count on you HG PCDania (or guy), if both of you report that the bitdefender is working well again,..i might give my 2nd computer another shot installing bitdefender.
0 -
Sorry bimbim, I thought you was talking about the definition database, not a program patch.
I don't know if the fix for the BitDefender Treat Scanner folder has been released but would think it's still too early yet, as first they have to try fix the bug, then test if their fix works or not.
I have the same version of BIS2009 as you have:
Regarding your problem updating BitDefender, below are the addresses to all the BitDefender update servers:
http://upgrade.bitdefender.com <---- I use the Default settings so my Primary and Alternate server is this one.0 -
I never thought about that,..i mean the fix and testing will be time consuming. Thx for pointing that out.
Hopefully a patch will be release very soon,..my 2nd computer virtually not having any protection at all right now., what's the point using bitdefender if cannot update anyway.
Question again,..is there any change logs whatsoever in bitdefender ? I guess not..
Is it okay to talk / ask about change log in this forum?
In Nokia forum,..there is restriction for user in forum NOT to discuss about change log in Nokia firmware update (you can get banned)...even though we were a customer (where is the consumer rights anyway??)
i really want to know if the patch is already available.
So i can install (for the 5th time) bitdefender in my 2nd computer.
Oh yeah HG PCDania,..don't forget to post here again if your problem is solved. If there's no change logs,..the only thing i can reliable is others bitdefender user testimonial.
Cheers0 -
Question again,..is there any change logs whatsoever in bitdefender ? I guess not..
I just checked the folders and didn't find anything, only an empty Logs folder.Oh yeah HG PCDania,..don't forget to post here again if your problem is solved.
Don't worry, I'll keep an eye on this thread a little while yet.0 -
Wait for the new BD 2009 build that should appear in few weeks,untill then use BD 2008 instead.0 -
glad to hear that...i will check next month for the new version.
@HG PCDania
I think i found what cause it..no solution though. An old post, just read it.0 -
@HG PCDania
I think i found what cause it..no solution though. An old post, just read it.
Yes, that is the problem with BitDefender filling up the harddisk which I have reported to BitDefender Support. They have acknowledged the problem (see the copy of their last reply to me in one of my former posts) and are working on a fix. I also suspect the problem could be caused by my operating system being non-english but there could be other causes for the problem.0 -
Yes, I'm still alive
The problem with the harddisk filling up has still not been solved.
I have noted when starting my computer, if I leave the computer alone at the logon screen untill all harddisk activity stops BIS2009 seems to behave, if I log onto the computer immediately after the logon screen appears, there's a very high risk of the computer to hang forcing me to reset the computer, first on second or third attempt starting this way will succeed. This resetting of the computer is not healthy for the OS. This observation leads me to think that BIS2009 for some reason is unable to handle too many processes starting/running at once.0 -
don't worry buddy..
i'm still here with you..
Btw,..the version is now
i've being told by technical support that the current version is to solve the bdagent.exe problem (missing systray).0 -
Thanks, fellows, for those responses. My update doesn't work at all. It will not do anything when I click on "Fix" or :"Fix these issues". When I go into "Settings" for update, the screen is greyed out, and unresponsive to anything besides clicking on another tab. I'll give the Safe Mode thing a try, while I'm waiting for a "48 hour" response from our good friends at BitDefender Technical Support.
I did not get any updates with BDIS 2009 for 10 days. After a couple of "online chats" to solve the problem and numerous emails which did not get replied to, I asked for a refund of my annual subscription, as I had only had the AV for 3 weeks. I received a notification that my refund was being processed and was immediately cut off from the antivirus, given no forewarning of this. I am truly disappointed with BD support team - the reviews were excellent so I was pleased to buy into this company - but with little or no support after dishing out the money and with no updates, I felt I just wanted to escape. Good luck with solving your HDD problem and the updates.0 -
Close to a month have now passed sinse BitDefender acknowledged the problem with the harddisk getting filled up with outdated files. Because the problem has not been solved yet I have contaced BitDefender asking for when they expect the problem to be solved.
My current BitDefender Internet Security version is: -
No response from Support on my request for an ETA on the fix to this serious error with the harddisk filling up, so I've send one more mail asking for an ETA and telling them in a polite but unmistakenly way that I'm gettting pretty tired of this and am loosing my trust in the effectiveness of this software.