Does Bitdefender block a program that searches for a memory address within another program (Windows


  • Hello,

    I think that it will block that program, if it detects such behavior as potentially malicious. This kind of activity can resemble techniques used by malware or hacking tools, which often manipulate or read from other programs' memory spaces. But may I ask what exactly is the concern? Is it about a legitimate program that is being blocked, or you simply wish to know if it will block such behavior when manifested by a program?



    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • Yes, this is about two older programs. instance, program A lists a particular item. Because this program does not have a change item request (without exiting and restarting it), the second program, program B will allow me to change the item number without exiting program A. Program B says it searches for a memory address (I assume the item), then gives me a choice of changing to another item and continuing. Both these programs worked ok (on two different computers) before I installed Bitdefender. Kind of curious.

    Are there any settings I can check and change on Bitdefender to exclude the memory check for a particular program?



  • Hi,

    You can exclude both programs from antivirus scanning:

    And also set them as exceptions for the Advance Threat Defense module and see how it goes afterwards.


    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user