My SafePay desktop freezes anytime I try to print. Why is this happening now?

edited November 16 in Privacy

In the last month, anytime I try to print, the screen completely freezes and I have to exit out and return. For now, I have had to download everything to my computer and print from a file on my harddrive.


  • @camarie do you have any advice here? What could possibly cause the freeze in this case?
    I think to find out exactly some logs may be required there..

    Premium Security & Bitdefender Endpoint Security Tools user

  • camarie
    camarie Principal Software Developer BD Staff

    From past experiences, I have encountered printer drivers displaying modal (i.e. blocking) dialogs to user, and displaying them in the default desktop (not in the secure desktop), therefore blocking the user interface. I can think on no other obvious cause I have previously encounter at this time.

    Log files are always of help if they are present, although the printing is very extensive logged.

    @AlexClarke79 Can you tell me if this is something new (i.e. it worked normally on the previous version and it exhibits this behavior now?).
    Also I would like to know what product version do you have (both from Safepay About… and also from the default tray icon About), what is the printer type (be as detailed as possible, this can only help me to reproduce if possible - printer name, version), if you are issuing the Print or Print to PDF… command, as well as anything else you might find significant (what type of document or webpage you are trying to print, if is a large document - example: PDF 100 pages, the address of the document, if possible and it is not something private we should not see).

    As soon as I get all of those details I will fill an issue and start investigating right away.

    As a suggestion: try to see if restarting the Print Spooler service (open Services application, locate the Print Spooler, right click it and restart). Sometimes a very busy or unresponsive print spooler might cause print troubles, alrhough not blocking of user interface.