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[resolved]Rebooting Necessary After Updateing



I was using Bitdefender now for a while.

One of the most annoying things in Bitdefender is that it needs to reboot so often after a signature update.

I used other Antivirus products which needed a reboot maybe two, three times a year. But not like Bitdefender several times a week.

Why is a reboot so often necessary for Bitdefender?

I thought this behavour if Bitdefender will improve with 2011 products. But it hasn't.



  • Last week I would agree with you, but those included program updates which required the restart. That hasn't happened to me at all this week. I'm using BDAV Pro 2011. You didn't say which product you were using. If its a different one (IS orTS) maybe those had more program updates this week. I don't know.

  • Hi,

    Be kindly informed that only product updates will require a system restart. In order to check that you can set to prompt before installing updates under Updates -> Settings module within BitDefender.

    If the updates are only signatures updates no restart is required.


  • Oops! There must have been another program update. Both my PCs just displayed a BDAV message that a restart was required. :D Both my PCs have now been restarted.

  • We have released a major product update on Friday so I guess that was the reason why your computer asked for a restart. If you have any further queries feel free to create a new topic at any time.

    Case resolved, topic closed.

    Thank you!

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