Cannot Schedule Auto-logon Scan To Start X Minutes After Startup

edited September 2010 in Old topics

When scheduling the Auto-Logon scan BD2011 only allows scheduling 1 minute into startup, where BD2010 was more flexible.

Is there a technical reason for this or is it simply that the 'After' field is incorrectly disabled for 'At system startup' option.



  • The screenshot you provided in your post shows the Schedule window for the Full System Scan. I'm sure you meant to click on the Schedule button for the Auto-Logon Scan. They are different.


    Gary A

  • Sorry, that is misleading, but title should now read 'Cannot schedule any scan to start X minutes after Startup'.

    Had raised issue then tried other scan settings, but the auto logon scan was the task I specifically used to set to be 10 minutes after startup.


  • I've not used that option before, but I see what you mean. When I selected the option, there is a description at the bottom which says, "If you check this option, the scanning task will be performed when you start your system, after a time interval defined below." But, the time interval boxes are greyed out.

    One of the BD folks will have to respond to your question since I can't explain it. I'll make sure one of them looks into this for you.


    Gary A

  • Hello,

    The reason you see those three fields grayed out is because you can not set a scan to start delayed with a certain period of time after the system starts. If you set the scan to start 'At system startup' then it will scan every time you start your PC.

    The three options (After, Start date and Start time) and to be used only for 'Once' and 'Periodically' types of schedules.

    Hope that clear things a little bit.


  • It did for me - thanks! I learned something today. :)

  • OK, so you cannot do this any longer with BD2011. You could with BD2010, when selecting 'At System Startup' the 'After boxes would still be enabled, the Start Date/Start Time would not.

    This was handy for machines with slow startups, either due to being less powerful, or they were starting more services, as the scan could still be forced to run every startup, but tuned to a slightly more opportune time than 1 minute after startup.


    BD2010 1 : BD2011 0

  • Interesting. The 2009 version of BDAV I have installed on my old WinXP laptop operates the same as you described for the 2010 version. The developers must have made a change to that function in the 2011 version.


  • You may have found a bug. Page 70 of the BDAV 2011 User Guide says you should still be able to select the number of minutes.

    See the highlighted section of this screenshot:


    I'm sure one of the tech support folks can look into this.


  • Unknown
    edited September 2010


    I am currently working on it. When the testing will be done I'll let you know.

    Update: issue confirmed and escalated to the respectful department. The resolution will come as an automatic update that requires no further action on your behalf.

    Please disregard my previous post (#5).
