Kindly be advised we cannot cancel subscriptions or issue refunds on the forum.
You may cancel your Bitdefender subscription from Bitdefender Central or by contacting Customer Support at:

Thank you for your understanding.



I uninstalled the BitDefender software exactly one day after I purchased it, due to the 'not so publicised' compatibility issue with the PunkBuster software. The only advice I was given at the time was to uninstall PunkBuster, which being a core component of many of the latest multiplayer software releases on the market is not really an option.

I completed the refund form immediately and have since sent two chaser mails, and have received no responses to any of it.

How long does this take?


  • Hello,

    Be kindly informed that there is no compatibility issue between PunkBuster and BitDefender 2011. You can try to install it and and continue or subscription or provide me with your registration details (email you used to purchase BitDefender) and I will pass you refund request to my colleagues from the Sales department.

    Kind regards,

  • Hello,

    Be kindly informed that there is no compatibility issue between PunkBuster and BitDefender 2011. You can try to install it and and continue or subscription or provide me with your registration details (email you used to purchase BitDefender) and I will pass you refund request to my colleagues from the Sales department.

    Kind regards,

    I'm confused.

    Re: [Ticket ID:201009151009108] New open ticket

    BitDefender Customer Care <>

    Dear XXXXX,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I analyzed the support tool you sent and I found that you are also using PunkBuster, a software which comes in conflicts with BitDefender. In order to properly use BitDefender, I recommend you to remove the PunkBuster software and then reinstall our software.

    In order to correctly uninstall it, please go to their web sites and run the uninstall tool or follow their uninstall guidelines.

    Your support seems to indicate there is a compatibility issue.

    I think I will take the refund at this stage. I'll PM the relevant info to you.

  • Hello VanKlomp,

    Your request has been forwarded and will be processed Monday.

This discussion has been closed.