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Bit Defender Issue


Hi. I am using bit defender total security 2011. Anytime i install bit defender, i cannot watch mega video movies with out it buffering all the time. Also, when i exit the mega video movies and web page, my AP light on the router keeps blinking and won't stop, until i reboot my router. I add to my white list, but i am still having the same problem. If i use any other anti virus programs, mega video works quite fine. I have installed and uninstalled bit defender on numerous occasions. Now i have a registered bit defender 2011 installed, but same problem. Please help me. Thanks.


  • Now i have a registered bit defender 2011 installed, but same problem. Please help me. Thanks.

    With which Version do you have the same Problems? With the InternetSecurity or AntiVirus. I believe that there is a bug in the firewall that causes that issue.



  • Hello,

    Please answer few questions so I can better understand the situation:

    - what BitDefender product and version are you currently using and having issues with

    - what Operating System are you using

    - are you using a 32-bit or 64-bit computer


  • Hello,

    I am using BitDefender InternetSecurity 2011 on an 32Bit Windows 7.



  • Hello,

    Open BitDefender and switch to Expert View. Go to Antivirus tab then click on Custom Level button. Uncheck the option to Scan HTTP traffic and check to see if the issue still persist.

    If it does please disable the AVC scanner from Antivirus -> Advanced Settings and the issue should be resolved.

    Looking forward to your answer!

  • Hello,

    Open BitDefender and switch to Expert View. Go to Antivirus tab then click on Custom Level button. Uncheck the option to Scan HTTP traffic and check to see if the issue still persist.

    If it does please disable the AVC scanner from Antivirus -> Advanced Settings and the issue should be resolved.

    Looking forward to your answer!

    Hi Dan. As for your previous questions. I am using bit defender total security 2011. My OS is windows vista home premium, 32 bit system. I tried what you said, and reboot my system, but the problem still persists. I even added to my white list, it is a premium megavideo account i am using. As of now my AP light on my router starts to blink continuously again. What should i try now? Looking forward to your reply asap. Thanks.

  • Same here :mellow:

    Disabling http-scan and AVC does not solve this issue

    Yours ,


  • Unknown
    edited September 2010

    Hi Mark,

    Lets make another test please. Disable each module at a time and see if the issue persist having all modules disabled:

    1. Open BitDefender Security Center;

    2. Go to Firewall tab and disable it for 15 minutes;

    3. Go to Antivirus tab and disable Antiphishing and Search Adviser

    4. Test after you disable each module if the issue still occur.

    Lets take a leap of faith and try the following workaround. You are the first to try it so please bare with me :)

    1. Restart the PC in Safe Mode;

    2. Click on the Start menu button, open 'Run...' and type regedit

    3. Go to the following key:


    4. Right click in the right window and choose New --> Multi-string value

    5. Give it the name HttpAppSkip

    6. Write in the path the location of the browser you are using the make the tests or all the browser you currently use as such:

    - for Windows XP:

    C:\Documents and Settings\<Windows Username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\Chrome.exe

    - for Windows Vista/7:

    C:\Users\<Windows Username>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe

    C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Iexplore.exe

    C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\Firefox.exe

    where <Windows Username> is the username you are currently logged on.

    7. Restart the PC and load Windows normally.

    8. Test to see if the slowdown still occur.

    [how to start Windows in Safe Mode]

    If Windows XP/Vista/7 is the only operating system installed on your computer, boot into Safe Mode with these instructions:

    * If the computer is running, shut down Windows, and then turn off the power

    * Wait 30 seconds, and then turn the computer on.

    * Start tapping the F8 key. The Windows Advanced Options Menu appears. If you begin tapping the F8 key too soon, some computers display a "keyboard error" message. To resolve this, restart the computer and try again.

    * Ensure that the Safe mode option is selected.

    * Press Enter. The computer then begins to start in Safe mode.

    * When you are finished with all troubleshooting, close all programs and restart the computer as you normally would.

    Looking forward to your answer!

  • Hi Mark,

    Lets make another test please. Disable each module at a time and see if the issue persist having all modules disabled:

    1. Open BitDefender Security Center;

    2. Go to Firewall tab and disable it for 15 minutes;

    3. Go to Antivirus tab and disable Antiphishing and Search Adviser

    4. Test after you disable each module if the issue still occur.

    Lets take a leap of faith and try the following workaround. You are the first to try it so please bare with me :)

    1. Restart the PC in Safe Mode;

    2. Click on the Start menu button, open 'Run...' and type regedit

    3. Go to the following key:


    4. Right click in the right window and choose New --> Multi-string value

    5. Give it the name HttpAppSkip

    6. Write in the path the location of the browser you are using the make the tests or all the browser you currently use as such:

    - for Windows XP:

    C:\Documents and Settings\<Windows Username>\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\Application\Chrome.exe

    - for Windows Vista/7:

    C:\Users\<Windows Username>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe

    C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Iexplore.exe

    C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\Firefox.exe

    where <Windows Username> is the username you are currently logged on.

    7. Restart the PC and load Windows normally.

    8. Test to see if the slowdown still occur.

    [how to start Windows in Safe Mode]

    If Windows XP/Vista/7 is the only operating system installed on your computer, boot into Safe Mode with these instructions:

    * If the computer is running, shut down Windows, and then turn off the power

    * Wait 30 seconds, and then turn the computer on.

    * Start tapping the F8 key. The Windows Advanced Options Menu appears. If you begin tapping the F8 key too soon, some computers display a "keyboard error" message. To resolve this, restart the computer and try again.

    * Ensure that the Safe mode option is selected.

    * Press Enter. The computer then begins to start in Safe mode.

    * When you are finished with all troubleshooting, close all programs and restart the computer as you normally would.

    Looking forward to your answer!

    Hi Dan. Well the first option steps 1-4 did not work. Second option steps 1-8 did not work either. I will let you know exactly what i did with the second option, so you can correct me if i went wrong. I went into safe mode and followed your steps. I reached the part where i named it HttpAppSkip, from here it got a little confusing. When i double clicked on HttpAppSkip, i will tell you exactly what i typed in as follows:

    1. C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Iexplore.exe

    2.C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\Firefox.exe

    3.C:\Users\<"my windows username">\AppData\Local\Google\Modzilla Firefox\Application\Firefox.exe

    4.C:\Users\<"my windows username">Program Files\Modzilla Firefox\Application\Firefox.exe

    5..C:\Users\<"my windows username">Program Files\Modzilla Firefox\Firefox.exe

    I tried each one of these separately, so i had to go into safe mode and restart about 5 times, but none worked, movies streaming slow and my AP light still blinking all the time. Probably i typed in something wrong? Tell me exactly what to type in and i could try it again. But i not sure if this solution will work. If i reboot, movies run as it should, but if i try to watch a second or third movie, that is where the problem begins again and the AP light won't stop blinking. Awaiting your reply asap, thanks.

  • Hi Dan. Well the first option steps 1-4 did not work. Second option steps 1-8 did not work either. I will let you know exactly what i did with the second option, so you can correct me if i went wrong. I went into safe mode and followed your steps. I reached the part where i named it HttpAppSkip, from here it got a little confusing. When i double clicked on HttpAppSkip, i will tell you exactly what i typed in as follows:

    1. C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\Iexplore.exe

    2.C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\Firefox.exe

    3.C:\Users\<"my windows username">\AppData\Local\Google\Modzilla Firefox\Application\Firefox.exe

    4.C:\Users\<"my windows username">Program Files\Modzilla Firefox\Application\Firefox.exe

    5..C:\Users\<"my windows username">Program Files\Modzilla Firefox\Firefox.exe

    I tried each one of these separately, so i had to go into safe mode and restart about 5 times, but none worked, movies streaming slow and my AP light still blinking all the time. Probably i typed in something wrong? Tell me exactly what to type in and i could try it again. But i not sure if this solution will work. If i reboot, movies run as it should, but if i try to watch a second or third movie, that is where the problem begins again and the AP light won't stop blinking. Awaiting your reply asap, thanks.

    What's the next move?

  • What's the next move?

    Any new solution as yet?

  • Any new solution as yet?

    I'm exhausted, it's like i tried everything and still can't get to watch streaming movies and stop my AP light from blinking, unless i reboot router. The tech support is really slow incoming. How soon will i get a reply? How soon will you get a solution to my problem? Please don't tell me i will have to uninstall bit defender for like the 4th time to get things to work again, just when i finally registered the product. Awaiting your solution. Thanks.

  • Hi,

    gulbash: No, with all the respect but you didn't follow correctly my above steps. No worries, please read below :)


    I have sent you instructions via email and I would like to assist you on this one remotely if that is OK with you. Check your inbox for details and provide me with an answer via email.

    Looking forward to your answer!

  • Hi,

    gulbash: No, with all the respect but you didn't follow correctly my above steps. No worries, please read below :)


    I have sent you instructions via email and I would like to assist you on this one remotely if that is OK with you. Check your inbox for details and provide me with an answer via email.

    Looking forward to your answer!

    Hi dan. I sent the information for you. 2 emails. Check both. Thanks.

  • Got the emails. Thanks. How about we do the session now ?

  • Got the emails. Thanks. How about we do the session now ?

    Sorry Dan about earlier, electricity went. We can continue now if you still at work, if not then tomorrow, hopefully. Thanks.

  • Hi,

    No worries, I guessed the electricity problem occurred again. When you are online today send me a PM to continue the session. Include the ID and password. Thanks

  • Hi,

    No worries, I guessed the electricity problem occurred again. When you are online today send me a PM to continue the session. Include the ID and password. Thanks

    ok well i online, i'll email ID and password now.

  • Jeeeez. Finally!! I have found the solution to my issue. This was really exhausting.


    - Restart the computer (Windows Start button - Turn Off - Restart);

    - Press the 'F8' key several times before Microsoft Windows begins to load; you need to press 'F8' until you will be displayed a text menu;

    - Select 'SAFE MODE' in the text menu and press 'Enter'.

    - Wait while Windows loads in Safe Mode; this process ends with a confirmation message; click 'OK' to acknowledge.

    5. Browse to the C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2011 folder;

    6. Search for httproxy.dll and rename it with httproxy.dl_;

    7. Restart the computer in Normal mode;

    This worked for me.

  • Hi,

    Keep in mind to have the Updates set to 'Prompt before downloading updates' and check the product updates you install so the file will not be automatically restored. We are currently working on a fix for the issue you encounter and should be ready with the next major product update.

    Topic closed.

    Kind regards,

This discussion has been closed.