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Reupping Bd With A New Subscription Code Number


Dear Sirs,

Please excuse me if I did something wrong in sending this here.

I tried to use the BD Support route but it keeps freezing me out, so I am trying the Forum. Today I just now registered for the Forum to get an answer to my question, so I am a complete newbie.

I have 2 computers. My question relates to renewing my BD subscription for an old computer. Presently its BD subscription code is Q8Detc.etc. This code expires in 2 weeks for that computer.

Last year I bought a new computer and again bought BD, but one that covered 3 computers; its code is F4Detc.etc. This new subscription code expires next year.

After my Q8D subscription runs out on my old computer, how do I switch its BD code over to the F4Detc one? Do I need to uninstall the old BD before doing anything? But then what do I do to use the new code? If I do not need to undelete the old code what do I do? Can I just use the old Registration page and just enter the new F4Detc code?

Will I be then able to upgrade for free to the 2011 version?

I thank you very much for your help in this matter.


  • Hello Searcherman,

    There are multiple choices :), the best one depends on your system specs and for which BitDefender product(s) the license keys are.

    We will discuss further via personal messaging.

  • Hello Searcherman,

    There are multiple choices :), the best one depends on your system specs and for which BitDefender product(s) the license keys are.

    We will discuss further via personal messaging.

    Dear Mr. George R.

    Since this is an open Forum I don't want to give out the numbers here publically. Can I send them a secure way? When you say personal messaging do you mean by E-mail?



  • Hello Searcherman,

    OK. Topic closed and escalated via email :)

This discussion has been closed.