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Bd 2011 Total Security - Firewall Does Not Start Automatically


Hi, I'm getting crazy.

First of all Bitdefender is after all my first choice and I have had a lot of firewalls before.

However, Total Security 2011 makes me crazy.

BD starts and after a while I get the warning indication that there is a security risk. And here we go ... the firewall is not activated. I start the firewall but this is only half the way down because the setting is to the lowest profile allowing everything.

I haven't found any setting which might prevent BD from doing this again next time I boot again.

Second. Isn't there a password setting to allow only someone who has a password to change settings? Again, I havent found any place in the preferences to allow me to set a password apart from the data safe feature.

Looking forward to receive any help. PLEASE LET ME BD START MY FIREWALL ON STARTUP.

THanks. Matthias

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