Critical Error After Installing BDAV Pro 2011

Welcome to the forum, by the way. :)

I think XP Media Center SP3 is OK, but I'm not 100% sure.

Your CPU & memory should also be fine. Since you are using Antivirus now, you can upgrade to BD Antivirus Pro 2011 and use your current license.

The direct download link here will download the full installation program:

You will also find good upgrade information in this pinned topic:

Let us know if you have any more questions.


I ran into a couple of problems..

The new software installed without a hitch but it is unable to download the update. Each time I try, it comes up with a message in red that reads, Can not connect to the proxy or server..

I click finish and it closes and another window pops up telling me that the antivirus software had a critical error and needs to restart.

I click finish and it sends a report and restarts the program.

I've done this 5 times... After the 2nd time, I repaired it using the repair utility built into the program, but it didn't help. 3 more attempts to update the software failed.

I went ahead and let it run a full system scan thinking that maybe it needed to do that before it could update but it didn't help.

I uninstalled and reinstalled the software and nothing improved. It still can't update and I still get a critical error each time I try to update and on top of everything else I'm now getting random BSOD's..


  • nikki605
    edited October 2010


    Since you now have BDAV 2011 installed and we were posting in the 2009 forum, I moved your last post to it's own topic in the 2011 forum.

    I would suggest using the BD removal tool to completely remove all traces of any previous BD installations. The tool can be downloaded from HERE.

    EDIT: Then reboot after the uninstall and run a trusted registry cleaner like CCleaner and only remove any registry entries that may be found related to BD. Be sure to save the registry changes in case something goes wrong and you need to put them back.

    Then re-install BDAV Pro 2011. If you still receive error messages, then capture a screenshot of the error message and upload it with your next post explaining the problem.


  • Dogurasu,

    I would suggest using the BD removal tool to completely remove all traces of any previous BD installations. The tool can be downloaded from HERE.

    EDIT: Then reboot after the uninstall and run a trusted registry cleaner like CCleaner and only remove any registry entries that may be found related to BD. Be sure to save the registry changes in case something goes wrong and you need to put them back.

    Then re-install BDAV Pro 2011. If you still receive error messages, then capture a screenshot of the error message and upload it with your next post explaining the problem.


    so... in the end... BD Removal Tool not designed to REMOVE ALL BitDefender products and it's related dependecies including leftover registry entries... or still in beta stage..??

  • I didn't say or suggest that to be the case. As a personal choice, I typically run CCleaner after uninstalling any program.


  • Unknown
    edited October 2010


    To add a word to what Gary already explained: to stay on the safe side we recommend running a Windows Registry cleaner after you run the uninstall tool, however it is NOT a must. Sometimes it may happen that the uninstall tool you use is not removing all entries found associated with the software you wish to remove. NOTE: we are talking about a general case regardless of the security solution you uninstall. This can happen with other security solutions, not just BitDefender.

    Second, the BitDefender uninstall tool never removed any dependencies, just files and windows registry entries related to BitDefender.

    Example: BitDefender dependencies: having C++ Redistribute Packages 2008 installed is a must however the package will not be removed if you run the Uninstall tool.

    Last but not least you should keep in mind that, in order to help us better and faster identify the issue you encounter, we ask as many details as possible from you including:

    - BitDefender product you are using

    - Operating System including PC architecture (32-bit/64-bit)

    - Internet connection type as you have an update issue

    - SupportTool log as explained in THIS post.

    Kind regards,

  • ... we ask as many details as possible from you including:

    - BitDefender product you are using

    - Operating System including PC architecture (32-bit/64-bit)

    - Internet connection type as you have an update issue

    - SupportTool log as explained in THIS post.

    Kind regards,

    VSSERV.EXE stops the laptop from running for up to 5 minutes when booting. I upgraded to: BDAV Pro 2011 on a 1.8 Dual Core, 1 GB Ram, Windows XP Pro SP3 on a 1.5MB Internet connection.

    I'm not going to spend much more time on this, I'm going to have each one of my 20 external Sales Reps go buy something that works. I'm tired of supporting bad software.

    This problem has been in the last 3 versions, with no outlook of ever getting fixed!

  • Hello ITWebMan,

    With all the respect but I can't provide you with an answer without seeing a log file generated on the PC having the issue. If you wish to further troubleshoot send me the above mentioned logs generated with the SupportTool.

    If you don't wish to continue troubleshooting then I'm afraid my hands are tied.


  • Hi!

    I've read through your forums regarding the vsserv.exe hogging much of the CPU's resources, and I haven't seen any fix. I'm a 4 month user of bitdefender from BDAV2010-BDTS2011. Now most of my workstation are updgraded to BDTS2011. I have at least 20 workstation installed.

    I didn't really noticed this until the workstations started running slow after installing the BD. Here is the hardware specs:


    INTEL® CORE ™ 2 CPU 6420@2.13ghz 1.99 GB OF RAM

    Hoping for you immediate response.

  • Mr.NoSide - I would recommend that you select one convenient PC and follow the procedure below. Let tech support investigate the resulting dump files. They may find a common issue since all the PCs are probably set up similarly.

    1. First please unplug the Internet cable from your computer or disable the Wireless adaptor if you are using one. This prevents the supporttools files from being automatically uploaded.

    2. Click on Start and then choose My Computer/Computer.

    3. Browse to:

    C:\Program Files\BitDefender\BitDefender 2011

    - considering that BitDefender was installed on the default C partition

    4. Double-click on the supporttool.exe file - if you are using Vista or Windows 7, right-click on the supporttool application file and select Run as Administrator

    5. Click on Next, wait a few minutes for the progress bar to complete and then click on Finish

    6. A file will be created on your desktop. Please move it to a location of your choice (i.e. move it on your c:\ drive)

    7. Reconnect your internet cable (only after you have moved the file to the new location)

    8. Upload the created file HERE

    9. Include a detailed description of the issue you are encountering and a screenshot of the error message, if there is one.

    10. Send a PM (Private Message) with the download link to DanyDan of tech support. Include a link to this topic and give him as much detail as possible about your PC - exact symptoms, hardware (CPU type/speed, Memory installed, etc.), OS and version, 32-bit or 64-bit, any other security software installed or previously uninstalled. Any other relevant configuration information.

    It may take several days for them to analyze the files and respond depending on their workload, so please be patient.


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