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Download Assistant


I spent several hours trying to download my subsription today and was about ready to commit mayhem. I had turned off all my antivirus things, my firewall, and still nothing, it kept getting blocked. Heck, I even turned off all my internet protection. Finally, I found a link that had a "download manager/assistant." I was desparate and clicked download. Well good grief, all my hours were wasted, this thing did the download as quick as a flash.

But now I can't find it again. I bought the plan for three computers and I still have two computers to install the program on. So where is that downloader?

Also, why in the world don't you folks just advertise that handy tool in the first place instead of making us jump through so many hoops? <img class=" />


  • George R.
    edited October 2010

    Hello JustJJ,

    Can you give us a link for the "download manager/assistant"?

    Usually when downloading is an issue, the full install links work best.

  • I wish I could provide the link, George, I found it online - somewhere. *sigh* I can't find it anymore, but it was definitely a Bitdefender downloader. I was trying to download from my email instructions. There is a link to click on, and that is what I did. Oddly, once I found the downloader and it started, the process was very smooth and quick. All I had to do was provide my "key" and it did all the work.

    I intend to look again today. I'm going to go through every single one of the sites I visited yesterday in my online History. I'll let you know if I can find it. I have a feeling I found a link to in within a site somewhere, so I have a lot of looking to do.

  • I went through all my History and couldn't find the link. I'm sure it was buried in one of the many places I visited for help. I remember that the top of the screen seemed decorated for Halloween. I found this link, which looks like where I ended up, but not where I started.||S||4666230176

    I hope I will be able to install the program on my other computers without a problem. If no, I'll definitely be back.

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