Prophetcharts By Thinkorswim

thinkorswim's ProphetCharts are not loading.

Danny, please provide the solution you provided the other forum user, as indicated below:



On this page: (next to last entry) you indicate that you have a solution to the issue using Prophet Charts with BitDefender.

I'm having this exact issue. Will you please send the solution to me?

Thank you,


Hi Mark,

Please create a new topic and explain the situation. Not allowed as per our Forum Rules to assist you via PM without creating a topic.

Kind regards,

Danny M.


  • Unknown
    edited November 2010

    Hello Mark,

    First and foremost be kindly informed that the average response time is 48 hours even if a resolution is available. I have posted below the steps you need to take to resolve the ProphetChart issue:

    Please restart the computer in Safe Mode and follow the steps below in order to resolve the issue you encounter with the ThinkorSwim software:

    For Windows versions prior than vista:

    Go to Start -> Run.., at the run dialog box type "regedit" and press Enter

    For Vista/Windows 7:

    Go to Start, type "regedit" in the windows search text field and press Enter

    expand the following keys:


    Rightclick on the rightside of the window and select New, then Multi-String value and name it "HttpIpSkip". Doubleclick on the newly created key and paste in the Value data the numeric IP of the server to which the application has to connect, followed by the netmask:

    (NOTE:after each IP press ENTER)

    Click on OK, close the Registry editor and restart the computer.

    Check if the problem will persist.

    [How to restart in SAFE MODE With Networking]

    - Restart the computer;

    - Press the "F8" key several times before Microsoft Windows begins to load; you need to press "F8" until you will be displayed a text menu;

    - Select "SAFE MODE With Networking" in the text menu and press "Enter"

    - Wait while Windows loads in Safe Mode; this process ends with a confirmation message; click "OK" to acknowledge.

    Please let us know if the issue was resolved after following the above steps.

    Kind regards,

This discussion has been closed.