Updating And Rebooting

lm a little puzzled at the number of reboots lm having to do when updating.. lm using BitDefender Internet security 2011.

90% of the recent updates have required me to reboot, its not exactly forced reboots like when you update the program files, according to the messages l receive every update over the past few days has seemed to be virus signatures but lve been told to reboot before l can add any more updates, where as before signatures have never required me to reboot my system in order to allow me to update further which means lm not getting the latest database when my system updates silently or so l assume because l havent verified it yet.


  • Hello,

    Note that each time a product update is being downloaded and installed it's mandatory to restart the PC. To be certain whenever you install one of these updates you can change the updates from Silent to Prompt before downloading. Whenever a product update will be delivered via Update module you will see the size of the update, otherwise it will be grayed out.

    1. Open BitDefender Security Center and switch to Expert View from the Options button;

    2. Go to the Update tab;

    3. Go to the Settings tab;

    4. Choose the following settings as in the attached screenshot.

    If you need any further clarifications please let me know.



  • apart from the top three options in the bottom section of tick boxes my settings completely mirror yours..

    the only major differences are the top three of that section, l have wait for reboot ticked and none of the p2p and sharing parts ticked. tho it still doesnt explain why basic virus signatures are requiring a reboot every time l notice after a manual update.. the last few times lve seen it there has been no program updates which l would assume are the only ones that require files to be not in use in order to update...

  • Check the update logs and see if a product update was installed or not. To be honest, is the first time I hear about signatures updates requiring a PC restart.

    Click on the View Logs link in the lower side of the BitDefender window then go to the Update tab.

    There make a screenshot and attach it to this topic.


  • lve just taken a look where you stated..

    every manual update lve done over the past couple of weeks it seems has resulted in this issue..

    each time the following files show up



    they seem to come down with normal updates and not program ones, and its always the same two, and it doesnt seem to happen on my laptop.

  • Unknown
    edited November 2010

    Ok, check your email associated with your forum account. Send me back the logs and, as soon as the analysis will be complete, you'll have my answer via email.


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