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Bit Defender Total Security 2011 & Windows 7 (64-bit)


I recently upgraded to Bit Defender Total Security 2011. I installed it on my laptop running Windows 7 (64-bit). I noticed several abnormal conditions over a short time.

First, after about 3 1/2 to 4 hours my computer would slow down with 100% CPU utilization. I couldn't move a mouse curser or open windows, etc. The hold system came to an almost standstill. I had to reboot in order to regain any system response. Then, CPU utilization would return to a normal 10% to 30% range. However, after 3 1/2 to 4 hours my computer would slow down again with a 100% CPU utilization rate. I have an Intel Quad Core i7 CPU and all 8 cores were at 100%!

Second, periodically when opening trusted web sites that I normally visited (listed in My favorites), Bit Defender would stop the web site loading and say that the web site was prone to computer viruses, malware, etc. and was blocking the launch of the web site. Only repeated clicking on the web site's URL could I eventually launch the web site. This might happen with the same web site repeadily or it might happen only once with a particular web site and then do the same thing with another web site. There was no pattern here. I am running IE 8 (64-bit) as part of MS Office 2010 (64-bit).

I've used Bit Defender under Windows XP Professional with no problems. However, as soon as I upgraded to Windows 7 (64-bit), I started getting strange performance issues.

How do I know it was probably Bit Defender that was "acting up"? I uninstalled the program and temporarily replaced my needed anti-virus protection with Microsoft Security Essentials (current version). Performance problems disappeared! I'm not against Bit Defender, but I need a product that will work in a 64-bit environment. Your current 2011 product seems to have issues here.


  • I and many others, have successfully installed BD on Win7 x64 so I am thinking there may be another program installed on your PC that is conflicting with BDTS.

    Do you have any other security type programs installed? This is the most frequent cause of performance issues.

    Since you uninstalled BDTS, you can follow the procedure below and have tech support take a look at the resulting dump files:

    1. Download this file:

    2. Locate and open 'Sysdump.exe'

    3. A command prompt window will appear on your screen. Please note that the information gathering process can take several minutes therefore please wait until the window disappear by itself.

    4. The result will be the file called 'SYSDUMP.TAR' and will be located in the same folder where you ran sysdump.exe from.

    5. When you have the sysdump.tar please upload it HERE

    6. Send a PM (Private Message) with the download link to DanyDan of tech support. Include a link to this topic and give him as much detail as possible about your problem symptoms. Also provide any other relevant configuration information.

    Depending on their workload, it may take several days for them to respond.


  • I and many others, have successfully installed BD on Win7 x64 so I am thinking there may be another program installed on your PC that is conflicting with BDTS.

    Do you have any other security type programs installed? This is the most frequent cause of performance issues.

    Since you uninstalled BDTS, you can follow the procedure below and have tech support take a look at the resulting dump files:

    1. Download this file:

    2. Locate and open 'Sysdump.exe'

    3. A command prompt window will appear on your screen. Please note that the information gathering process can take several minutes therefore please wait until the window disappear by itself.

    4. The result will be the file called 'SYSDUMP.TAR' and will be located in the same folder where you ran sysdump.exe from.

    5. When you have the sysdump.tar please upload it HERE

    6. Send a PM (Private Message) with the download link to DanyDan of tech support. Include a link to this topic and give him as much detail as possible about your problem symptoms. Also provide any other relevant configuration information.

    Depending on their workload, it may take several days for them to respond.


  • In answer to your question, I do not have any other security programs running or installed at the time I had Bit Defender installed on my computer.

    Not sure how to follow your instructions. Since I don't have Bit Defender installed any more, do I still download and run Sysdump.exe? Could you clarify?

  • nikki605
    edited November 2010

    Yes. Downloading sysdump, running it and submitting the log files is the only thing tech support will have to look at since you've uninstalled BDTS. If sysdump does not show anything significant, then the only next step would be to re-install BDTS, try to recreate the problem and run a program called SupportTool which gets installed with BD and submit those log files.

    In answer to your question, I do not have any other security programs running or installed at the time I had Bit Defender installed on my computer.

    Your wording above makes me wonder - did you previously have another security program installed and uninstall it before installing BDTS? It sounds like you may have. If you did, how did you uninstall it? If you didn't use the corresponding clean removal tool (un-installer), there may be remnants of the program left on your PC that is conflicting with BDTS. Links to the more popular uninstallers can be found here:

    I hope this information helps.

    Waiting for your reply,

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