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Expiry Time Problem After Renewing Subscription [solved]


After renewing my subscription my online account has the correct expiry date. However within the Dashboard or BitDefender Internet Security 2011 it still says "Expires in: 30 days". I would have thought that logically when the program connects to update it would refresh the expiry time, however after speaking with someone from the online help chat I was told the only way to update the expiry time is to uninstall the program then reinstall and enter the same license key. This is really annoying, it will both waste my time and require me to update the virus definitions etc because the installation file is the original (old) version.

I can't believe the writers of this software have not had the foresight to address such a simple issue. Are there any plans to fix this problem?


  • George R.
    edited November 2010

    Hello jlb,

    The information you received is not true or there was some kind of misunderstanding. Please send me your purchased license key via PM.

    Thanks :)

  • jlb

    Ignore my post. Turns out the program was just a little slow in updating the expiry time. A couple of days after renewing my subscription the expiry date in the Dashboard now displays correctly.

  • Hello jlb,

    Good to hear :)


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