Blue Screen With Install Ts2011

I have been perusing the forum trying to troubleshoot BitDefender Total Security 2011. During the install, I received a BSOD. It had something to do with the initial scan. Then after reading here that if you cancel that initial scan, you can at least install BitDefender. So it is now installed. But now I have the BSOD whenever I try to scan. Here are the links to some files on Both are SysDump.tar files. The first is when Blue Screen appeared on Install. The second is when Blue Screen appeared on the Scan.

On Install:

On Scan:

In addition to this issue, there is a warning in BitDefender that says "Real-Time protection is disabled". When I try to fix this, it fails. Also, when looking at the Antivirus/Shield tab, the check box related to Real-Time protection is checked. So it is telling me that Real-Time protection is enabled. Could you please help me with this problem?

I have:

Clean system - built 5 days ago.

Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

Gigabyte Mobo

PS: I read in a thread that it is advised to uninstall Easy Tune 6, which I have installed on my computer. Does this help? I don't want to remove something like that unless is absolutely necessary.

Thanks, John




  • My computer was doing this. BSOD on scan. The program was corrupted and didn't display any of the options in Basic display. Now I can't even install BitDefender Total Security. I've deleted the original install, done the Bitdefender removal tool, and now can't get the program to install without BSOD. Was using Chrome, but did the last dl attempt with the IE8 that came on the Win7 disk. Win defender and firewall were both off during the last dl and install attempt.

    I'm running Windows7 64bit with an i5 760 and 8GB RAM. The boot drive is a Critical 64GB and the secondary is a WD 1TB. Everything else appears to be running OK.

    Something I noticed on the dl. It didn't go all the way before the install screen popped up. The bar was only about 75% across.

    I've been using BitDefender for years and this is the most challenging install I've had.

  • An update on mine. I re-downloaded the 2011 uninstall software and ran it. Downloaded the full 64bit 2011 Total Security package. The downloads were fine. The uninstall executed and ended fine. The TS package got past the user agreement page and had starting installing when it hit the BSOD. When this happens, it wipes recent tab memory from browsers, even if they were not loaded prior to BSOD.

  • Hello,

    @JReagan6187: only a single BitDefender driver was installed correctly that is why you encounter the issue you reported. Please uninstall Easy Tune then restart the PC.

    After restart SAVE the file below:

    - when the download is complete right click on the saved file and select "Run as Administrator". Click on Uninstall and wait to be asked to restart the PC.

    1. After the second restart follow the steps below and clean your Windows registry:

    2. Restart the computer in safe mode with networking as explained below and delete the following folders from your PC (IF still present):

    [How to restart in SAFE MODE With Networking]

    - Restart the computer;

    - Press the "F8" key several times before Microsoft Windows begins to load;

    you need to press "F8" until you will be displayed a text menu;

    - Select "SAFE MODE With Networking" in the text menu and press "Enter"

    - Wait while Windows loads in Safe Mode; this process ends with a confirmation message; click "OK" to acknowledge.

    3. You will have to manually delete the following BitDefender folders IF still present in your PC:

    C:\Program Files\BitDefender

    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\BitDefender

    C:\Documents and Settings\<windows_username>\Application Data\BitDefender

    C:\Program Files\Common Files\BitDefender

    4. Restart the computer in Normal mode.

    5. Download (Save) the file below then install it:

    6. Open CCleaner using the icon on the Desktop then perform both types of cleaning: Temporary files(first icon on the left hand - the blue paintbrush) and Windows Registry cleaning

    Do NOT backup the entries before removing them !

    7. Restart the PC again

    8. Download the file below (depending on your PC architecture) but don't open it yet:

    = BitDefender Total Security WITHOUT Online Backup =



    = BitDefender Total Security 2011 (with Online Backup) =



    Please let me know if the issue is now resolved.

    Kind regards,

  • Hi,

    Having the same problem, been running with no issues on an AMD Phenom X3 9650 Asus system with Windows 7 x64 Ultimate. Have upgraded to Intel i7 930 Gigabyte with a new windows install (same install disk as previous system)

    PC running stable (passes usual build tests).

    After downloading and during the initial scan the system BSOD's. During the second install attempt it was able to get a photo of the BSOD, attached.

    Its been so long since i seen a BSOD (time measured in years!) i didnt think you got them any more!

    Have completed all the steps indicated and am about to run the TS2011 with backup install downloaded from the link provided.




  • Success!

    Started install after sending last post and its now complete and operational.



  • Ah, not such a success.

    Whilst its installed and updated its not actually running.

    The software has a red flag "1 security issue is affecting the security status of this PC" and the issue is "real time protection is disabled" with status "not started".

    When i press "start", after it tries to fix the issue it reports "failed".

    Any clues to fix this? Have tried update and restart etc.


  • Hello,

    Follow the steps explained in THIS article then send me a PM with the generated log file along with a detailed description of the issue you encounter and the link to this topic.

    Also what Operating System are you using?

    Please go to C:\Windows\Minidump , put all files from there in an archive, upload the archive on a file sharing server of your choice (such as and send me the download link by PM.

    Looking forward to your answer!
